written by
P.J. Palmer and Eric Enno Tamm
JOHN STEINBECK (46) returns to mourn the loss of his best friend ED RICKETTS (51),
John's VO shows us what happened to Ed only a few days earlier...
Ed, shares a beer and gets dressed after sex with ALICE (20s),
Ed walks through a party in the front room, nods to friends and out to...
Ed drives, lost in thought,
Ed's car is suddenly struck by a TRAIN that drags the car and horrifically crushing it in on Ed.
Ed is pulled from the wreckage, very badly injured,
A YOUNG MAN'S voice can be heard coming closer, yelling "ED!, ED..."
John tries to hold in his emotion as he looks through items left behind by Ed,
John's thoughts (VO) takes us into the story of how he met Ed 18 years prior....
Ed (31) collects specimens in the beautiful GREAT TIDE POOL at sunrise.
Ed is stopped by SHERIFF LARSON (50's) wielding a shotgun,
Larson demands to see a license for the industrial alcohol Ed carries in his roadster,
Larson takes a bottle as "evidence",
Larson let's Ed off on a warning to keep normal business hours.
Ed accidentally wakes GABE (40's), a violently drunk vagabond who is passed out in front of the Lab,
Ed wants to help but Gabe throws punches (and misses),
GEORGE (30's), the brothel bouncer and WON YEE (50's), the market owner, watch as Ed calms Gabe,
Gabe is nearly killed by a truck as he stumbles off into the Vacant Lot to sleep it off.
Ed finds FRANKIE (6), a poverty stricken mute, sleeping in the Lab again,
Ed tries to engage with Frankie who runs off in a panic.
John (28) collects sea-creatures into a bucket behind the busy Canneries.
John is solemn and seems angry at the world.
John trades some of his collected sea-food for cigarettes with Mr. Won.
Mr. Won offers John bootlegged beer to cheer him up but...
John declines, he still wants to get some writing done today.
Ed checks in on JACK CALVIN's (30's) progress on the Lab Catalogue edits.
SASHA CALVIN (20's) introduces Ed to her sexy younger sister, XENIA KASHEVAROFF (18),
Xenia (posing nude as Sasha paints) notices intimacy between Sasha and Ed,
Xenia openly flirts with Ed, Ed is a little stand-offish.
Jack wants to convince Ed to write a larger book based on the lab catalogue,
Ed is not convinced anyone would read it.
Ed arrives where his wife, NAN RICKETTS (30s) is working to keep the household together.
Ed tries to show some intimacy, it's not the right time for Nan. She is feeling disconnected from him.
Nan makes it known that she can raise the children and maintain the house without him.
John arrives with his bucket of sea-critters, and unenthusiastically announces he has gathered dinner.
CAROL STEINBECK (20's) types manuscripts and smokes, tells John she is almost caught up to him,
John says his well has run dry and he is basically finished at age 28.
Carol tries cheer John, tells him Hemingway has only 4 novels at 40 years old.
John is slightly cheered, until he opens a rejection letter. Angrily, he pins it to a wall full of them.
John goes to bed unhappy, leaving Carol alone.
Frankie meets up with Ed to collect specimens in the tidepools.
Ed tries to inspect a bruise on Frankie's face, but Frankie is stand-offish at first.
Xenia interrupts, arriving unannounced in a skimpy bathing suit, Frankie withdrawals.
Ed works as Xenia attempts to seduce him. Sexual tension builds over discussion of a sea anemone,
A large wave crashes nearby and soaks them - breaking the moment.
Ed attempts to treat Frankie's face, but Frankie runs off.
Ed ends Xenia's advances with a focus on the job at hand. Xenia leaves unhappily rejected.
John writes as Carol enters from working her day-job.
Carol types John's manuscripts while discussing the day.
Carol mentions that she is going to attend some political meetings with BETH (30s)
John is happy for her, but is not interested in going himself.
Carol mentions that they have been invited to a beach bonfire. John is not interested.
John puts on music, and pulls Carol to her feet to dance with him.
John and Carol enjoy each other's humor and wit, and soon are making love in the floor.
![]() EXT. 21 CLUB (1948)Gwyn finds John outside on the rainy streets of Midtown smoking anxiously. Lost in thought, he says "I have to go." He tries to hail a cab. Gwyn angrily accuses him of running back to Carol. John tells her "I need to see him." A cab arrives and John holds the door for Gwyn, but she turns away and storms back into the club. John jumps in and tells the cabbie "Airport. Stop on the Upper East side first." | ![]() EXT. MANHATTAN (1948)John listens on the phone as Carol tells him there has been a terrible accident. John says he will catch the next flight. He hangs up and leaves angry Gwen behind as he heads out into the streets of New York. | ![]() INT. MONTEREY HOSPITAL (1948)A large crowd, including Mr. Won (70's) and Gabe (60's) has gathered to donate blood as doctors frantically work on keeping Ed alive. A WOMAN (this is Jean Ariss, 40) enters and makes her way to Ed's side. She whispers in his ear - he opens his eyes and looks at her - she gently kisses his brow while a YOUNGER WOMAN (this is Ed's current wife, Toni Jackson-Ricketts, 24) looks on unhappily. A phone rings ~ |
![]() INT. FISHMEAL SHED (1931)Frankie watches Horace exit Wing Chong Market, with the SIGNED PAPER and a CIGAR - walking stiff, but with purpose. Horace passes the Vagabonds who ignore him and then enters the FISH MEAL SHED. Through the open doorway, Frankie watches Horace pick up a REVOLVER, put the barrel in his mouth and PULL THE TRIGGER. BOOM: BLOOD STAINS THE WALL. | ![]() EXT. SAN FRANCISCO (1948)~ a phone rings ~ Xenia (36), working in her dress shop, answers - she goes silent with the news of Ed's accident. | ![]() EXT. NORTH PACIFIC COAST (1948)Nan (50's) comes in from the cold to answer the ringing phone. After a moment of listening she drops the phone in shock. |
![]() EXT. LOVERS POINT (1931)ED "Algae lives in its tissue giving the animal nutrients and its bright, green color. Algae and anemone, plant and animal, live happily together. They help each other like best friends. Symbiosis, it's called." XENIA (O.S.) "It's beautiful." Ed looks up to see Xenia sitting on the rocks above in a long shawl, with a revealing TWO-PIECE SWIMSUIT underneath. | ![]() EXT. SEASIDE MOTOR LODGE (1948)Flora (70's) answers the ringing phone at her lodge / brothel in Seaside. Her face falls as she hears the news about Ed's accident. She barks out at one of the Girls: "Fetch the car. Now." | ![]() INT. DINNER CLUB - NYC (1948)A concierge brings a phone to a booth where John and GWEN CONGER-STEINBECK (40's) chat with friends. Alarmed, John takes the phone and listens: "John. It's Carol..." |
![]() EXT. CARMEL (1948)Carol (45), on the phone, paces past the windows of her cottage overlooking the wild Pacific coastline. She tells John there has been a terrible accident. John says he will catch the next flight. | ![]() EXT. CANNERY ROW (1931)JEAN ARISS (22), a newlywed, has moved to Monterey and attends a Thanksgiving party at the lab. Xenia notices that Ed is very interested in Jean. Ed cuts off his affair with Xenia to save his marriage but she knows it is because he has found someone new to fall in love with. | ![]() HISTORICAL REFERENCEEmpire State Building, dedicated as world's tallest |
![]() EXT. 21 CLUB (1948)Gwyn finds John outside on the rainy streets of Midtown smoking anxiously. Lost in thought, he says "I have to go." He tries to hail a cab. Gwyn angrily accuses him of running back to Carol. John tells her "I need to see him." A cab arrives and John holds the door for Gwyn, but she turns away and storms back into the club. John jumps in and tells the cabbie "Airport. Stop on the Upper East side first." (historic reference image) | ![]() INT. THE LAB (1931)A well-dressed WOMAN (30's) arrives at the Lab and wants pays Ed to allow her to feed one of the rattlesnakes. She mimics the rattlesnake as it dislodges its jaw to eat its prey. She then leaves without saying a word. Carol and Ed are both alarmed by the incident. Carol jots it down to share with John - she knows he can make a good story of it. REFERENCE PHOTO: National Geographic | ![]() INT. LAB (1931)Ed and John enter this Texas-themed brothel and speakeasy with overstuffed chairs and small side tables. Several GIRLS (20's - 30's) casually linger with a few MEN who sit and drink from coffee mugs. LEE MORSE "Tain't No Sin To Dance Around In Your Bones" plays on a 1920's-era jukebox. |
![]() EXT. TIDE POOLS (1931)ED "Algae lives in its tissue giving the animal nutrients and its bright, green color. Algae and anemone, plant and animal, live happily together. They help each other like best friends. Symbiosis, it's called." XENIA (O.S.) "It's beautiful." Ed looks up to see Xenia sitting on the rocks above in a long shawl, with a revealing TWO-PIECE SWIMSUIT underneath. | ![]() HISTORICAL REFERENCEUniversal Studios releases "DRACULA" | ![]() EXT. TIDE POOLS (1931)ED "Algae lives in its tissue giving the animal nutrients and its bright, green color. Algae and anemone, plant and animal, live happily together. They help each other like best friends. Symbiosis, it's called." XENIA (O.S.) "It's beautiful." Ed looks up to see Xenia sitting on the rocks above in a long shawl, with a revealing TWO-PIECE SWIMSUIT underneath. |
![]() HISTORICAL REFERENCEWarner Bros releases their first Merrie Melodies | ![]() EXT. PACIFIC GROVE (1931)ED RICKETTS (32), stands in the dark intertidal collecting creatures by STARLIGHT. The LIGHTHOUSE BEAM SWEEPS as Ed carries CASES of jars to a 1920's MITCHELL RAG-TOP ROADSTER. | ![]() EXT. HOOVERVILLE (1931)As unemployment reaches 8 million, over 2500 banks fail and "Hoovervilles" pop-up across the country - Carol is increasingly consumed with political and social injustices - and urges John to attend socialist and communist meetings held in Carmel. |
![]() EXT. TIDE POOLS (1931)A BUBBLING TIDE POOL where we are surrounded by bright SEA ANEMONES and colorful SEASTARS, scuttling CRABS and sleek EELS all alive and dead and reproducing and killing in this tiny world. | ![]() INT. THE LAB (1931)A close group of friends has formed over the weeks with John and Ed, Carol, Jack, Sasha, Xenia, Beth, Tal, Ritchie and even Gabe, Flora and Mr. Won - who all meet on a regular basis at the Lab for makeshift pot-lucks of shoplifted foods, cheap wine, music and mayhem. | ![]() EXT. CANNERY ROW (1931)A flu outbreak has hit the Row. Ed takes care of Flora's girls, fishermen, sailors, Gabe and Frankie, who calls him "Doc", and the nickname sticks. |
![]() HISTORICAL REFERENCE"Frankenstein" is released in movie theaters |
written by
P.J. Palmer and Eric Enno Tamm
1948 ~ Sitka, Alaska ~ A phone rings, Jack Calvin (46) answers. He listens then turns to Sasha (42) and says:
"There's been an accident..."
Another phone rings...
San Francisco, Dress Shop ...Xenia (36) answers - she listens to the bad news.
Another phone rings...
Seaside Motor Lodge (and brothel) ...Flora (70's) answers. He face falls as she is told the news about Ed's accident. She barks out at one of the Girls: "Fetch the car. Now."
Another phone rings...
Washington Coast ...Nan (50's) comes in from the cold to answer. After a moment of listening she drops the phone...
We cut to:
Monterey Hospital ~ A large crowd, including Mr. Won (70's) and Gabe (60's) has gathered to donate blood as doctors frantically work on keeping Ed alive in the aftermath of the train accident. A WOMAN (we will learn that this is JEAN, at 40) enters and embraces Ed Jr., then makes her way to Ed, who is breathing with difficulty. She whispers in his ear that she is here for him whatever lies ahead - he opens his eyes and looks up at her with gratitude and acceptance - she gently kisses his brow and he calms while a YOUNGER WOMAN (we will eventually learn that this is Ed's most current wife, ALICE, 24) looks on unhappily.
New York, "21 Club" ...a concierge brings a phone to a table where John (46) and GWEN CONGER-STEINBECK (34) chat with friends. Alarmed, John takes the phone and listens: "John. It's Carol..."
Carmel, Carol's home overlooking the sea ...Carol (45) tells John there has been a terrible accident involving Ed.
New York, "21 Club" ...John says he will catch the next flight. He hangs up in shock. Gwyn, angry and humiliated to have John take a call from his ex-wife while at the table of drinks with friends, says he should not be so impulsive and wait to hear more before running off to California. John agrees that it makes sense he should wait. But he is overwhelmed with concern and excuses himself from the table.
Gwyn finds John outside on the rainy streets of Midtown smoking anxiously. Lost in thought, he says "I have to go." He tries to hail a cab. Gwyn angrily accuses him of running back to Carol. John tells her "I need to see him." A cab arrives and John holds the door for Gwyn, but she turns away and storms back into the club. John jumps in and tells the cabbie "Airport. Stop on the Upper East side first."
...and we fade to:
1930 ~ Cannery Row ~ John's voiceover brings us back into the story:
Cannery Row's inhabitants are, as the man once said, 'whores, pimps, gamblers, and sons of bitches,'
by which he meant everybody. Had the man looked through another peephole he might have said,
'saints and angels and martyrs and holy men,' and he would have meant the same thing.
This VO is over the action of the next scene:
Wing Chong Market ~ HORACE ABBEVILLE (30's) comes into Wing Chong Market to settle his family's enormous grocery deb. Horace mentions that Mr. Won probably wouldn't even let the Abbeville kids buy a pack of spearmint because of the debt. Mr. Won agrees the debt is high. Horace offer to sell the Fish Meal Shed he lives in with his family (currently made up of his two current wives and too many children) to Mr. Won in exchange for clearing the debt. Mr. Won carefully considers the arrangement then agrees - and throws in a bootleg bottle of whiskey as a bonus.
Fish Meal Shed ~ With the Abbeville family debt paid off, Horace walks past his son, Frankie, in the Vacant Lot and shoots himself in the doorway of the Fishmeal Shed. Frankie is catatonic as Gabe, Hazel, Gay, Mr. Won, Flora and Ed respond to the incident. Frankie goes to live with his mother at a brothel down the Row.
The Lab ~ John, having taken Ed up on his offer to use his expansive library, is often at the Lab - even at odd hours - letting himself in to return a book, read a book, borrow a book, write, share and explore his work with Ed.
Great Tide Pool ~ John also joins Ed in the tide pools with Frankie - who has withdrawn further into himself from his trauma (that said, Frankie does chews on a fresh pack of spearmint gum). John mentions to Ed about the effect of Horace's death on Frankie: "Life cannot be cut off quickly. A man cannot be fully gone until the things he changes are dead, which are the only evidence of his life." Ed responds: "A commotion in a still pool dies after the little waves spread and grow back toward stillness." John jots these conversations down in his notebooks.
The Lab ~ A close group of friends has formed over the weeks - the Lab Group - with John and Ed, Carol, Jack, Sasha, Xenia, Beth, Peg, Francis, Tal, Ritchie and even Gabe, Flora and Mr. Won - who all meet on a regular basis at the Lab for cheap wine, music, bull-sessions and mayhem.
Carol, happily pregnant, takes a job at Ed's Lab. She collects baby clothes from trashcans to mend and wash and store-away for later. She is at the Lab when a WOMAN (30s) arrives and pays Ed to allow her to feed one of the rattlesnakes. The Woman oddly mimics the rattlesnake as it dislodges its jaw to eat its prey. She then leaves without saying a word. Carol and Ed are both alarmed by the incident. Carol jots it down to share with John - she knows he can make a good short story of it.
Monterey, Ricketts House ~ Ed's parents have moved to the area to help with the children as Nan and Ed work on their marriage. Ed's father, DAD RICKETTS (60s) works in the Lab while Ed's mother, MA (60s) assists Nan.
The Lab ~ BRUCE (30) and JEAN ARISS (22), a newlywed couple, has moved to Monterey and attend a makeshift pot-luck Thanksgiving with the Lab group - everyone goes out to steal foods like artichokes, tide pool creatures, someone brings firewood and of course cheap wine.
Carol and John arrive with a paper-mache turkey. Ritchie found that they could buy a live sheep for three dollars - the group pools its resources and now owns a sheep that none of them has the heart to slaughter. But Ed cuts its throat with no emotion whatever, and even explains to the rest who are upset that bleeding to death is quite painless if there is no fear involved. The pain of opening a vein is slight if the instrument is sharp, and he had opened the jugular with a scalpel and had not frightened the animal, so all the empathic pain was probably much greater than that of the sheep. Jean is quite enthralled with Ed, who butchers the animal and cooks. They fill the paper-mache turkey with lamb-sandwiches and have a feast.
During the Thanksgiving, Sasha announces that she and Jack are moving back to Alaska. Xenia feels anxious about the pending abandonment. Sasha invites her to move with them, but she feels that she should remain in Monterey.
Xenia also notices that Ed is very interested in Jean. Ed cuts off his affair with Xenia to save his marriage but she knows it is because he has found someone new to catch his attention.
Pacific Grove Cottage ~ Carol is increasingly consumed with political and social injustices - as "Hoovervilles" of homeless families pop-up across the country she urges John to attend political meetings with her and Beth, who has a habit of telling her many stories about life in the area to John. When John asks if he could develop a few of her short stories, Beth is flattered.
Fish Meal Shed ~ AKA: The Palace Flophouse ~ Horace's two WIDOWS and the kids have vacated the Fish Meal Shed (they also have as much credit at Wing Chong Market as they will ever want.) Gabe, Hazel, and Gay make a very polite offer to protect Mr. Won's newly acquired property from any broken windows or, God forbid, a fire, if he rents it to them to live in. Mr. Won agrees to $5 per week, which he knows he will never see - but his property will be protected. Gabe hangs a hand-painted sign above the door of their new residence: The Palace Flophouse and Grill.
The Lab ~ John and Ed stand in the windows in real-time watching a montage of action spanning the past few weeks in the Vacant Lot - the action is narrated as John's VO explains:
Ed and I watched a piece of social cruelty which has never been
bettered on the Row. When the sun was warm the bums would
come out to sit like lizards on the timbers. There they held social
commerce. They borrowed dimes back and forth, shared tobacco,
and if anyone brought a pint of liquor into sight, it meant that
he not only wanted to share it but intended to. But as much as
we liked the bums, we were grieved at their social cruelty toward
George, the pimp of the whorehouse. They considered a pimp as
abysmally beneath them socially. When George wandered up
through the weeds and sat with the boys they would turn away
from him. George recognized his ostracism and he was sad and
hangdog about it. The bums accepted George’s bribes but they
would not accept George. Ed shook his head over this injustice.
He had hoped for better from the boys.
Pacific Grove Cottage ~ John confesses to Carol that he knows he won't make it as both a writer and as a father. That he will have to make the terrible and impossible choice of one over the other. Reluctantly and sadly they both decide to terminate the pregnancy - and plan for a family later after they are better established.
Monterey ~ Ed and Nan appreciate the gestures of help from Pop and Ma, but it mostly helps Ed and Nan avoid each other and live even more separated lives.
Pacific Grove Cottage ~ John finishes his collection of short stories - while a charismatic and handsome writer, JOSEPH CAMPBELL (26), arrives at the Steinbeck cottage -
Joe knows Carol from a teenaged fling one summer a few years ago in Hawaii...
![]() INT. LONE STAR CAFE (1932)George overhears Gabe and the boys talking about how they are disgusted by him because he works at a whorehouse. George is heartbroken - and kills himself by jamming an icepick through his heart. | ![]() EXT. CARMEL VALLEY (1932) | ![]() INT. GUEST HOUSE (1933)Carol can't help but look when she see's Joe dry off from a shower in Ricketts' guest house. Ed makes a comment about natural impulses - Nan retorts that what makes us human is our ability to keep promises over impulses. |
![]() EXT. GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS (1925)Ed (18) hikes along a remote trail observing the wildlife as the sun sets. Thunder rolls in the distance and raindrops fall from the darkened sky. Women sing to their children in nearby shacks. Ed wanders into an old gothic cemetery next to the shacks, pitches his small tent on a grave and crawls in - and happily listens to the thunderstorm with the women's angelic voices singing southern gospels, while lying among the tombstones. | ![]() INT. MONTEREY HOSPITAL (1948)Carol tells John that CHARLIE (69) is walking in now. However, she refrains from mentioning that Joseph Campbell (44) has also entered - looking stricken. Carol tells John he must hurry and that she must go and hangs up. | ![]() EXT. CANNERY ROW (1930's)Gabe and the boys work up schemes on Flora, Mr. Won and Ed to gather items to make the shed a real home - including having the kids of the neighborhood sell cats to Ed for embalming, only to have other kids return later to claim the cats back as pets without refunding Ed. Alfred tries to be included in the scheming but is rejected. |
![]() INT. ST. LOUIS AIRPORT (1948)John, stuck in the airport, listens to Carol over the phone: CAROL (on phone) "Ed's lung is collapsed, his nine broken bones are now set and another skull surgery to relieve pressure may be necessary, but he is doing better." John: "How is that better?" A tornado siren wails outside. John tells Carol that his next flight will take off when the tornado warnings subside. He should be in California tomorrow. | ![]() EXT. ASHVILLE CEMETERY (1925)Ed (18) hikes along a remote trail observing the wildlife as the sun sets. Thunder rolls in the distance and raindrops fall from the darkened sky. Women sing to their children in nearby shacks. Ed wanders into an old gothic cemetery next to the shacks, pitches his small tent on a grave and crawls in - and happily listens to the thunderstorm with the women's angelic voices singing southern gospels, while lying among the tombstones. | ![]() EXT. SLAVE QUARTERS (1925)Ed (18) hikes along a remote trail observing the wildlife as the sun sets. Thunder rolls in the distance and raindrops fall from the darkened sky. Women sing to their children in nearby shacks. Ed wanders into an old gothic cemetery next to the shacks, pitches his small tent on a grave and crawls in - and happily listens to the thunderstorm with the women's angelic voices singing southern gospels, while lying among the tombstones. |
![]() EXT. ST. LOUIS (1948)John, stuck in the airport, listens to Carol over the phone: CAROL (on phone) "Ed's lung is collapsed, his nine broken bones are now set and another skull surgery to relieve pressure may be necessary, but he is doing better." John: "How is that better?" A tornado siren wails outside. John tells Carol that his next flight will take off when the tornado warnings subside. He should be in California tomorrow. | ![]() INT. LAB (1932)Joseph Campbell (26) wakes up at dawn - his arms wrapped around a sleeping Carol - after an epic all-night party in the Lab - most of the others are still passed out. Ed is still up listening to John read to him a passage from one of his manuscripts - while drinking coffee spiked with whiskey - Joe has discovered a bohemian paradise with the Lab group. | ![]() EXT. CANNERY ROW (1930's)Gabe and the boys work up schemes on Flora, Mr. Won and Ed to gather items to make the shed a real home - including having the kids of the neighborhood sell cats to Ed for embalming, only to have other kids return later to claim the cats back as pets without refunding Ed. Alfred tries to be included in the scheming but is rejected. |
![]() PASTURES OF HEAVEN by John SteinbeckA celebration for John: his collection short stories, "Pastures of Heaven" (based on stories he got from Beth) has been purchased. Jack accuses John of stealing his published short stories from Beth, who becomes upset that John has found a success with her stories. Carol comes to John's defense. | ![]() EXT. ST. LOUIS AIRPORT (1948)John, stuck in the airport, listens to Carol over the phone: CAROL (on phone) "Ed's lung is collapsed, his nine broken bones are now set and another skull surgery to relieve pressure may be necessary, but he is doing better." John: "How is that better?" A tornado siren wails outside. John tells Carol that his next flight will take off when the tornado warnings subside. He should be in California tomorrow. | ![]() EXT. BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS (1925)Ed (18) hikes along a remote trail observing the wildlife as the sun sets. Thunder rolls in the distance and raindrops fall from the darkened sky. Women sing to their children in nearby shacks. Ed wanders into an old gothic cemetery next to the shacks, pitches his small tent on a grave and crawls in - and happily listens to the thunderstorm with the women's angelic voices singing southern gospels, while lying among the tombstones. |
![]() EXT. CANNERY ROW (1930's)Gabe and the boys work up schemes on Flora, Mr. Won and Ed to gather items to make the shed a real home - including having the kids of the neighborhood sell cats to Ed for embalming, only to have other kids return later to claim the cats back as pets without refunding Ed. Alfred tries to be included in the scheming but is rejected. | ![]() Blue Ridge Mountains | ![]() John Steinbeck 1930sJohn realizes that Carol has really fallen for Joe - and he is crushed. He makes a valiant stand for his wife, which Joe respects and lets Carol go - even though Carol would rather keep her affair going with Joe. |
written by
P.J. Palmer and Eric Enno Tamm
1925 ~ Great Smoky Mountains ~ Ed (18) hikes along a stunning, wildlife-filled trail as the sun sets. Thunder rolls in the distance and raindrops fall. Women sing to their children in nearby shanties. Ed wanders into an old gothic cemetery next to the shacks, pitches his small tent on a grave and crawls in - and happily listens to the thunderstorm with the women's angelic voices singing southern gospels, while lying among the tombstones.
We fade to:
1948 ~ Monterey Hospital ~ Where Ed (51) lays unconscious in his hospital bed, head wrapped in surgical gauze. The Doctor tells Alice, Jean, and a few others the prognosis and Carol repeats it into a phone: "Ed's lung is collapsed, his nine broken bones are now set and another skull surgery may be necessary to relieve pressure, but he is doing better." ...
St. Louis, MO ...John (46) sits in an airport phone booth and listens: "How is that better?" he asks. A tornado siren wails outside. John tells Carol that his connection in St. Louis was cancelled due to tornados in the west. Carol encourages John that Ed is doing better because he knows John is coming. As John listens, he finds a Burgermiester bottle cab in the phone booth - he picks it up and runs his fingers over its ridges then slips it into his coat pocket. He asks Carol: "Had Ed been in good spirits lately?" She admits that she hadn't seen Ed in some time and doesn't know. He tells Carol he should be in California tomorrow...
Monterey Hospital ...Carol tells John that CHARLIE (Charlie Chaplin, 69) is walking in now. However, she refrains from mentioning that Joseph Campbell (44) has also entered - looking stricken. Carol tells John that she must go and hangs up.
This takes back to:
1932 ~ The Lab ~ Joseph Campbell (26) wakes up at dusk - his arms wrapped around a sleeping Carol - after an epic all-day party in the Lab - most of the others are still passed out. Ed sits with Jean, listening to John reading to them a passage from one of his manuscripts. Joe has discovered a bohemian paradise with the Lab group.
Joe is impressed with John's writing and wants to be like John so much he has begun to dress like him. This is endearing at first. Carol and Joe have rekindled their friendship and enjoy each other's company. This is also endearing... at first.
Xenia feels left out now that Jean has Ed's attention and Joe wants Carol.
Today's party had been a celebration for Jack and Sasha, who are moving to Alaska... by canoe (the move is partially a way to protect their marriage by putting distance between them and the Lab group). Now the party has shifted to a celebration for John - although his most recent novel has been rejected yet again, his collection short stories, PASTURES OF HEAVEN (based on stories he got from Beth) has been purchased. Ed cooks steaks and the party continues. Gabe and the boys arrive. Mr. Won brings a string of fireworks and a jar of whiskey. And a new shift of Girls arrive with Flora (the Lone Star is switching shifts every few hours so each Girl has a chance to attend the party at Ed's).
Jack puts John on-the-spot by asking him to read one of his stories to the whole crowd. John is terrified about sharing and performing his work in such a way. But he also wants to prove to Carol and everyone that he is better than Jack - and Joe at this. There seems to be far more people in the Lab than normal. The pressure is on. John musters his courage and tries. It is rough at first, but then everyone is thrilled with the stories and encourages him.
Everyone is building up for the party later tonight for Joe who is turning 26 and has never been drunk before.
Frankie impresses with his ability to serve beers - until he spills a tray of beer on Jean - horrified, he runs to hide.
As the party grows, a few unknown FISHERMEN arrive in the Lab and ask:
Ain't this a whore house?
Cab driver said they was one down here.
You made a mistake, Mister.
Well, what's them dames in there?
The Fisherman points to Flora and her Girls. And, happily, the battle begins: the Fishermen rush the party - each of the Girls slip off a shoe and hold it by the toe - Flora grabs a meat grinder from the kitchen and Ed flails a piston and connecting rod. Gabe and the boys use their fists. The Franklin stove gets knocked over, and two front windows are broken. The Fisherman grab large books to defend themselves.
George, the bouncer, rushes in from across the street with a small baseball bat. The fight rages down the stairs and into the street and the Fishermen are ran off. The front door hangs limply from one hinge. Ed's shirt is torn and Gay's mouth is bleeding.
Sirens are heard - everyone barely has time to get back inside, prop up the broken door and turn off the lights before the Sheriff and DEPUTIES arrive - only to find a dark and quiet Row. Everyone sits low in the Lab giggling happily and drinking wine in the dark. The shift changes at the Lone Star, and the party gets really going, The Deputies return, without the Sheriff this time. They shake their heads at the riotous party - then join in themselves.
Gabe and the boys take the patrol car to find more wine - George wants to join, but they leave him behind. George overhears Gabe and the boys talking about how they are disgusted by him.
And the Fishermen creep humbly back and join the party - embraced and admired. Hazel and one of the Girl's wrestle on the floor. A breeze flows through the broken windows. And that is when someone lights the twenty-five foot string of firecrackers...
The Great Tide Pool ~ Joe joins Ed, John, Carol and Jean in the tide pools. Joe is amazed at the kinship and wisdom that comes out of this odd little community on the Row - and sees the parallels to life in the tide pools - everyone must rely on each other. John starts to think that Ed likes Joe better than him, which hurts. But when John realizes that Carol has really fallen for Joe - he is crushed.
Cannery Row ~ Gabe and the boys work up schemes on Flora, Mr. Won and Ed to gather items to make the shed a real home - including having the kids of the neighborhood sell cats to Ed for embalming, only to have other kids return later to claim the cats back as pets without refunding Ed. George tries to be included in the scheming but is rejected and heartbbroken for it.
Palace Flophouse ~ Ed confronts Gabe and the boys as they sit on the timbers to sun themselves:
Why don’t you be nice to George? He’s a lonely man.
He wants to be friends with you. You are putting a mark on
him that may warp and sour his whole life. He won’t be any good to
anyone. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were responsible for his death.
(there are two Whiteys, known as Whitey No. 1 and Whitey No. 2)
Now Doc, you're not asking us to associate with
a pimp, are you? Nobody likes a pimp.
The Lab ~ Ed finally figures out the cat-scheme after the same bright yellow cat with a broken tail is sold to him and then retrieved - this time the boy is brought with his WASPY MOTHER who tells Ed she likes cats very much, if they were the better sort of cats. About Ed's embalming of cats to sell to schools she says:
Of course I realize that these things are necessary. I am very
broad-minded. But, thank heaven, you do not get pedigreed cats.
Madam, that’s about the only kind I do get. Alley cats are too quick
and intelligent. I get the sluggish stupid cats of the rich and indulgent.
You can look through the basement and see whether I have yours—yet.
Lone Star Cafe ~ George, truly saddened, tells Flora he may as well bump himself off. She jokes: "Do it on your own time and don't mess up the rugs."
George confides in EVA FLANNIGAN (20's), one of Flora's girls, that Horace had the right idea bumping himself off. She screams at George: "That's a dirty, lousy, stinking sin. Wouldn't it be just like you to get the joint pinched when I got almost enough kick to take a trip to East St. Louis. You no-good bastard."
The Lab ~ Xenia is feeling her own pain, as her sister and Jack are moving, adding to her feeling discarded.
Carol and Joe's affair really heats up - John catches them kissing in a tree. He is broken hearted. Xenia recognizes John's pain and clings to him, but he isn't interested in her.
Ed vows to take it slower with the drinking as it has slowed his work on his book. Everyone laughs at the idea.
Lone Star Cafe ~ George tells LOU (40's), the Greek cook at Flora's, that he is thinking of offing himself. Lou replies: "I'll tell you what, George. I hear like the fella talks about it don't never do it."
George picks up an ice pick. Lou stares at him with amusement, then with horror as he realizes George would do it. And seeing that realization, George sadly knows he must do it. He raises the pick and horrifically snaps it into his own heart.
The Lab ~ Before leaving for Alaska, Jack accuses John of stealing stories from Beth and that he should share his profits with her. Beth becomes upset that John has found a success with her stories. Carol adamantly defends John.
China Pointe ~ Ed and John help Mr. Won finish digging up a grave in a small, humble cemetery of simple crosses and wooden Chinese markers overlooking the ocean. Frankie watch as they remove a small coffin. Mrs. Won burns incense. Gabe, Hazel, Gay, Whitey No. 1 and Whitey No. 2 share a bootlegged beer as they clear weeds and tidy up the gravesites with Mrs. Won. Each of them are affected by the recent back-to-back suicides on the Row. Ed and John talk about the idea that wanting, instead of accepting, can lead to misery and even death as in the cases of Horace and George. One of them mentions that it is quite generous of Mr. Won to donate the gravesite.
Horace's TWO WIVES (30s) arrive in all-black, carrying an urn of Horace's ashes - with several children in tow - none seem particularly sad. Especially when Mr. Won hands each of them their own pack of spearmint.
Flora, also carrying an urn of George's ashes, arrives with Eva, several Girls and Lou the cook. They are each truly distraught. The group stands at the gravesite.
As the two urns are spilled into the grave, George's ashes blow all over Gabe. Hazel mentions that no one knows what was in either man's head. Mr. Won reminds them that "...it is a man's God-given right to end his life." Everyone agrees. Ed pointedly adds that sometimes, however, "...a friend can make it unnecessary." The boys stand silent with guilt. Gabe tries to save face and points out that "...earlier civilizations found it necessary to impale the heart of a suicide with a stake." Ed retorts: "As if it wasn't broken already."
Gabe - covered in ash - is overwhelmed with guilt and leaves. And soon, everyone else leaves too.
Whitey No. 1 stops and tells Ed: "Hell, we can't help it, Doc. You just can't be friendly with a pimp."
Ed remains to fill in the grave as Mr. Won removes the bones of his long-past grandfather from the coffin and into a box to be sent back to his homeland to rest in peace.
Pacific Grove Cottage ~ John makes a valiant stand for his wife, which Joe respects. Joe decides to stop his relationship with Carol even though Carol would rather keep it going...
But Joe and John have decided her fate for her. She is to stay with John...
![]() EXT. MISSOURI (1948)John drives on Route 66 towards Oklahoma City Airport in an attempt to get around the tornados and get to California sooner. His voice-over sets up more of the story in... | ![]() EXT. OKLAHOMA (1948)John drives on Route 66 towards Oklahoma City Airport in an attempt to get around his flight delays and get to California sooner. His voice-over sets up more of the story in... | ![]() EXT. VANCOUVER ISLAND (1933)Knowing that John and Carol need space from Joe, Ed takes him on a collecting expedition, riding a train north and then boarding the Grampus with Jack and Sasha to head to Alaska through the Inside Passage. This is a good break for Ed as well. Ed and Joe form a deep relationship as their own life philosophies begin to |
![]() EXT. GRUMPUS - DAY (1933)Joe climbs back up onto the boat. His naked body glistens in the sun. He catches Xenia staring, smiles. JOE "Jump in. Water's fine." | ![]() EXT. ALASKA (1933) Ed and Joe form a deep relationship as their own life philosophies begin to form. Ed becomes a mentor to Joe, discussing the native cultures and the meanings of story - as they collect specimens while surrounded with wildlife in some of the most dramatic settings on Earth. | ![]() EXT. TEXAS (1930's)John and Carol do research on the Okies and Dust Bowl for a new political project Carol has in mind for John. |
![]() INT. PHOTO BOOTH (1932)Carol and John rekindle their relationship while staying in Laguna Beach - | ![]() EXT. SALINAS VALLEY (1933)Constant strange dreams bring back emotional memories and cause Ed to worry about his mental own health. He writes to Jean about his concern and about how he wishes she had come on the trip. He confides in Joe about his nightmares - and they try to understand the symbolism to get at their deeper and possibly holistic truths. | ![]() 1930's dressNan designs dresses as a side business while she tries to run the lab in Ed's absence - and must deal with an overbearing Pop, scheming Gabe, damaged Frankie and the antics of the girls of the brothels - while Ed Jr blames his mother for his father's absence. All of it tests her patience. |
![]() 1930s dress sketchesNan designs dresses as a side business while she tries to run the lab in Ed's absence - and must deal with an overbearing Pop, scheming Gabe, damaged Frankie and the antics of the girls of the brothels - while Ed Jr blames his mother for his father's absence. All of it tests her patience. | ![]() EXT. SEATTLE TRAIN STATION (1933)Ed and Joe arrive in Seattle by train to meet up with Jack and Sasha on their boat, the Grumpas. | ![]() EXT. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAND (1948)Ed (51) and Toni watch the arrival of a seaplane from the deck of a ferry - which delivers a package from John for Ed's 50th birthday: a leather briefcase embossed with his name. Inside the briefcase is a letter from John that tells Ed he loves him, and that he looks forward to their expedition to the island together next year and to collaborate again on another book. |
![]() EXT. PUGET SOUND (1933) Ed and Joe form a deep relationship as their own life philosophies begin to form. Ed becomes a mentor to Joe, discussing the native cultures and the meanings of story - as they collect specimens while surrounded with wildlife in some of the most dramatic settings on Earth. | ![]() EXT. ALASKA (1933) Ed and Joe form a deep relationship as their own life philosophies begin to form. Ed becomes a mentor to Joe, discussing the native cultures and the meanings of story - as they collect specimens while surrounded with wildlife in some of the most dramatic settings on Earth. | ![]() EXT. VANCOUVER ISLAND (1933)Xenia telegrams that she is coming to meet the boat in Alaska - and she surprises them all by sunbathing nude where they are suppose to meet up with her. |
![]() EXT. ALASKA (1933) Ed and Joe form a deep relationship as their own life philosophies begin to form. Ed becomes a mentor to Joe, discussing the native cultures and the meanings of story - as they collect specimens while surrounded with wildlife in some of the most dramatic settings on Earth. | ![]() ARCHIVAL PHOTOEd Ricketts, Joseph Campbell, Jack Calvin, Sasha Calvin, Xenia Kasheveroff - on board the Grumpas. Alaska, 1933 | ![]() ARCHIVAL PHOTOEd Ricketts works on specimens in Alaska, 1933 |
![]() EXT. PUGET SOUND (1933) Ed and Joe form a deep relationship as their own life philosophies begin to form. Ed becomes a mentor to Joe, discussing the native cultures and the meanings of story - as they collect specimens while surrounded with wildlife in some of the most dramatic settings on Earth. | ![]() EXT. TEXAS - 1930sJohn and Carol do research on the Okies and Dust Bowl for a new political project Carol has in mind for John. | ![]() EXT. TIDE POOLS (1933) Ed and Joe form a deep relationship as their own life philosophies begin to form. Ed becomes a mentor to Joe, discussing the native cultures and the meanings of story - as they collect specimens while surrounded with wildlife in some of the most dramatic settings on Earth. |
![]() EXT. ALASKA (1933) Ed and Joe form a deep relationship as their own life philosophies begin to form. Ed becomes a mentor to Joe, discussing the native cultures and the meanings of story - as they collect specimens while surrounded with wildlife in some of the most dramatic settings on Earth. | ![]() EXT. TIDE POOL Ed and Joe form a deep relationship as their own life philosophies begin to form. Ed becomes a mentor to Joe, discussing the native cultures and the meanings of story - as they collect specimens while surrounded with wildlife in some of the most dramatic settings on Earth. | ![]() EXT. TEXAS (1930's)John and Carol do research on the Okies and Dust Bowl for a new political project Carol has in mind for John. |
![]() EXT. ALASKA (1933) Ed and Joe form a deep relationship as their own life philosophies begin to form. Ed becomes a mentor to Joe, discussing the native cultures and the meanings of story - as they collect specimens while surrounded with wildlife in some of the most dramatic settings on Earth. | ![]() EXT. ROUTE 66 (1948)John drives towards Oklahoma | ![]() INT. TEXAS HOUSE (1930's)Carol and John rekindle their relationship while staying in a haunted cottage in Texas |
![]() EXT. TIDE POOL (1933) Ed and Joe form a deep relationship as their own life philosophies begin to form. Ed becomes a mentor to Joe, discussing the native cultures and the meanings of story - as they collect specimens while surrounded with wildlife in some of the most dramatic settings on Earth. | ![]() EXT. ALASKA (1933) Ed and Joe form a deep relationship as their own life philosophies begin to form. Ed becomes a mentor to Joe, discussing the native cultures and the meanings of story - as they collect specimens while surrounded with wildlife in some of the most dramatic settings on Earth. | ![]() EXT. ALASKA (1933) Ed and Joe form a deep relationship as their own life philosophies begin to form. Ed becomes a mentor to Joe, discussing the native cultures and the meanings of story - as they collect specimens while surrounded with wildlife in some of the most dramatic settings on Earth. |
![]() EXT. ALASKA (1933) Ed and Joe form a deep relationship as their own life philosophies begin to form. Ed becomes a mentor to Joe, discussing the native cultures and the meanings of story - as they collect specimens while surrounded with wildlife in some of the most dramatic settings on Earth. | ![]() EXT. PACIFIC OCEAN (1933)Knowing that John and Carol need space from Joe, Ed takes him on a collecting expedition, riding a train north and then boarding the Grampus with Jack and Sasha to head to Alaska through the Inside Passage. This is a good break for Ed as well. Ed and Joe form a deep relationship as their own life philosophies begin to | ![]() EXT. ALASKA (1933)Ed and Joe meet First Nations people and listen to their stories and traditions. This has a deep impact on Joe. (Archival photo, Inupiat Family from Noatak, AK 1929 by Edward S Curtis) |
![]() EXT. ALASKA (1933)Ed and Joe meet First Nations people and listen to their stories and traditions. This has a deep impact on Joe. (Archival photo, Inupiat Family from Noatak, AK 1929 by Edward S Curtis) | ![]() EXT. ALASKA (1933)Ed and Joe meet First Nations people and listen to their stories and traditions. This has a deep impact on Joe. | ![]() EXT. ALASKA (1933)Ed and Joe meet First Nations people and listen to their stories and traditions. This has a deep impact on Joe. |
![]() EXT. ALASKA (1933)Ed and Joe meet First Nations people and listen to their stories and traditions. This has a deep impact on Joe. | ![]() EXT. VANCOUVER ISLAND (1933)Ed and Joe meet First Nations people and listen to their stories and traditions. This has a deep impact on Joe. | ![]() EXT. TIDE POOL (1933) Ed and Joe form a deep relationship as their own life philosophies begin to form. Ed becomes a mentor to Joe, discussing the native cultures and the meanings of story - as they collect specimens while surrounded with wildlife in some of the most dramatic settings on Earth. |
written by
P.J. Palmer and Eric Enno Tamm
1948 ~ Oklahoma ~ John drives on Route 66 towards Oklahoma City Airport in an attempt to get through the tornadoes that have grounded his flight. An ominous supercell darkens the sky and and the path of destruction is devastating but he pushes west through it all.
John's voice-over sets up more of the story in...
1932 ~ Texas ~ John and Carol ride a train through the Mid-West, past destitute, abandoned farms buried in sand and dust. Carol takes pictures and John jots down notes.
1932 ~ Pacific Northwest ~ Ed and Joe ride a train through the Pacific Northwest. Knowing that John and Carol need space, Ed has taken Joe away on a collecting expedition, meeting Jack and Sasha's boat in Seattle to head to Alaska through the Inside Passage. This is a good break for Ed and Nan too.
Xenia telegrams that she is coming to meet the boat in Alaska.
Ed and Joe form a deep relationship as their own life philosophies begin to form. Ed is a mentor to Joe, discussing the native cultures and how stories are the great unifier between cultures and individuals - all while they collect specimens in some of the most dramatic settings on Earth - grizzlies, bald eagles, moose and whales abound. But this is also a world where whaling is becoming industrialized - Ed and Joe see first hand that industrialized slaughter has a clear potential to become catastrophic.
Xenia surprises the expedition by sunbathing nude on the rocks where they are supposed to meet up with her. Xenia has decided to move back. Sasha is happy. Ed and Xenia have put their past behind them - she now pursues Joe and succeeds. Ed tries to focus on writing his marine life book, but has complications with Sasha.
Constant strange dreams bring back emotional memories and cause Ed to worry about his mental health. He writes to John about his concern. He also confides in Joe about his nightmares - and together they try to understand the symbolism to get at their deeper and possibly holistic truths. Ed spends all free time writing.
Ed, Joe, Jack, Sasha and Xenia attend a service at the Russian Orthodox Church where Xenia and Sasha's father is the minister. The small choir sings hauntingly beautiful songs. Inspired, Joe notes that the symbolism and stories told in the church are in many ways is similar to the symbolism seen in the totems and tribal villages they visit as well. He is finding his call in life...
Jack grows less comfortable about the situation between Ed and Sasha. Xenia finds that being back in her home State is stifling. And Joe realizes that he does not want to be novelist - and that he will move back to New York to study mythology. Ed decides it's time to end the trip before any real damage is done his friendship with Jack over Sasha - also he wants to get back to pursuing Jean. Xenia goes with Ed back to Monterey. She believes she can create the family she needs, maybe in San Francisco, rather than unhappily stay static in the one she has in Alaska.
Texas ~ John and Carol try to patch up their relationship while doing research on new political project that Carol has in mind for John based on the brutal conditions that Okies are living in. Texas is desolate and dead. The house they've rented is haunted and they somewhat rekindle their broken relationship over the comedy of it - which is a relief from the epic Dust Storms and depression in the area. Carol invites John to tea parties she throws with stray cats to keep him in a light mood. But she is hurt and angry over the events of the past year and struggles to move past it all. They make plans to move to Los Angeles permanently, where he can write and they both can stay clear of the temptations of the Lab group. But when they learn that John's mother had passed, they rush back to Monterey to be a help to his father, who soon also passes.
Monterey ~ Ed and Xenia arrive back at Cannery Row by train. Nan is hurt to see that they had travelled together. Ed starts to explain, but there is no use.... Nan kicks him out of the house - he will now live at the Lab permanently.
![]() EXT. SAN FRANCISCO (1933)John and Ed ride a ferry past the partially constructed Golden Gate Bridge on their way to Pointe Reyes on a short collecting road-trip - they also have invited Bruce and Jean - and John's dog, Tillie, as well. John keeps Bruce company while Ed gets to know Jean better. Ed and Jean are very attracted to one another. | ![]() EXT. WASHINGTON COAST (1930)The eelgrass tightens and pulls Ed under a whirlpool - he fights to reach the surface where his family calls his name in a panic - but the eelgrass becomes long yellow hair - and it pulls him deeper into the dark waters. | ![]() EXT. POINT REYES (1933)In the tidepools, Ed comes across a beautiful dead girl with flowing yellow hair. Ed is shocked. Ed tries to keep accept things as they are - but it is increasingly difficult. |
![]() EXT. UNDER THE SEA (1930)The eelgrass tightens and pulls Ed under a whirlpool - he fights to reach the surface where his family calls his name in a panic - but the eelgrass becomes long yellow hair - and it pulls him deeper into the dark waters. | ![]() EXT. ABOVE MONTEREY (1930)Ed swims across the sky lit by floating jellyfish. Whales breach the clouds like the surface of the ocean, and splash into the open sky. Beautiful and surreal. The sun rises from under the ocean, its bright light blinding Ed - his vision blurs ~ | ![]() EXT. ABOVE MONTEREY (1930)Ed swims across the sky lit by floating jellyfish. Whales breach the clouds like the surface of the ocean, and splash into the open sky. Beautiful and surreal. The sun rises from under the ocean, its bright light blinding Ed - his vision blurs ~ |
![]() EXT. WASHINGTON COAST (1930)Elegant stingrays drift in over eelgrass past Ed, Nan and the children standing in knee-deep water collecting floating jellyfish in the shallows of a remote and idyllic cove. | ![]() EXT. WASHINGTON COAST (1930)Elegant stingrays drift in over eelgrass past Ed, Nan and the children standing in knee-deep water collecting floating jellyfish in the shallows of a remote and idyllic cove. The eelgrass tangles around Ed's leg - he reaches down to free himself but the eelgrass tightens and pulls him under a whirlpool | ![]() EXT. POINT REYES (1933)In the tidepools, Ed comes across a beautiful dead girl with flowing yellow hair. Ed is shocked. Ed tries to keep accept things as they are - but it is increasingly difficult. |
![]() EXT. WASHINGTON COAST (1930)Elegant stingrays drift in over eelgrass past Ed, Nan and the children standing in knee-deep water collecting floating jellyfish in the shallows of a remote and idyllic cove. | ![]() EXT. WASHINGTON COAST (1930) | ![]() EXT. WASHINGTON COAST (1930) |
![]() EXT. WASHINGTON COAST (1930)Elegant stingrays drift in over eelgrass past Ed, Nan and the children standing in knee-deep water collecting floating jellyfish in the shallows of a remote and idyllic cove. | ![]() EXT. WASHINGTON COAST (1930) | ![]() EXT. TWA FLIGHT (1948)John tries to hold his drink as the plane hits intense turbulence. The stewardess tells the passengers that they are re-routing to Denver for the night and will complete the trip to Los Angeles in the morning. |
![]() EXT. TWA FLIGHT (1948)John tries to hold his drink as the plane hits intense turbulence. The stewardess tells the passengers that they are re-routing to Denver for the night and will complete the trip to Los Angeles in the morning. | ![]() EXT. TWA FLIGHT (1948)John tries to hold his drink as the plane hits intense turbulence. The stewardess tells the passengers that they are re-routing to Denver for the night and will complete the trip to Los Angeles in the morning. | ![]() TO A GOD UNKNOWN by John SteinbeckJohn has hit a string of success, selling "The Red Pony" and "To a God Unknown" - and his first big success with the publication of his new novel, "Tortilla Flat", changing his and Carol's life - they now have some money. And their position in the 'Lab Group' changes because of this. |
![]() THE RED PONY by John Steinbeck John has hit a string of success, selling "The Red Pony" and "To a God Unknown" - and his first big success with the publication of his new novel, "Tortilla Flat", changing his and Carol's life - they now have some money. And their position in the 'Lab Group' changes because of this. | ![]() TORTILLA FLAT by John Steinbeck John has hit a string of success, selling "The Red Pony" and "To a God Unknown" - and his first big success with the publication of his new novel, "Tortilla Flat", changing his and Carol's life - they now have some money. And their position in the 'Lab Group' changes because of this. | ![]() EXT. SAN FRANCISCO (1933)John takes Bruce to meet up with Carol and Francis at the Embarcadero during a bloody union strike - where Carol joins in on the march and leads the workers in a strike song she wrote. Violent riots breakout. |
![]() EXT. SAN FRANCISCO (1933)John takes Bruce to meet up with Carol and Francis at the Embarcadero during a bloody union strike - where Carol joins in on the march and leads the workers in a strike song she wrote. Violent riots breakout. | ![]() EXT. SAN FRANCISCO (1933)John takes Bruce to meet up with Carol and Francis at the Embarcadero during a bloody union strike - where Carol joins in on the march and leads the workers in a strike song she wrote. Violent riots breakout. | ![]() EXT. SAN FRANCISCO (1933)John takes Bruce to meet up with Carol and Francis at the Embarcadero during a bloody union strike - where Carol joins in on the march and leads the workers in a strike song she wrote. Violent riots breakout. |
![]() EXT. POINTE REYES (1933)Pointe Reyes John reads his newest work titled "Something That Happened" (AKA: "Of Mice and Men"), out loud at campfire with Ed, Jean and Bruce. They weep at the end. Ed is deeply inspired by John's great talent. Only then do they all realize that Tillie has eaten most of the manuscript while they talked. | ![]() EXT. CARMEL RIVER (1934)Gabe's frog collecting trip becomes chaos - including Gay being arrested while Gabe and the guys get wasted on whiskey - but they manage to collect a record number of frogs - | ![]() INT. LONE STAR CAFE (1933)News arrives that prohibition is officially over - a huge party engulfs Cannery Row - Flora, Won and Gabe and everyone else party in the street. Sheriff tries to break it up - so Gabe moves the party to the Lab. |
![]() INT. LONE STAR CAFE (1933)News arrives that prohibition is officially over - a huge party engulfs Cannery Row - Flora, Won and Gabe and everyone else party in the street. Sheriff tries to break it up - so Gabe moves the party to the Lab. | ![]() EXT. CANNERY ROW (1933)Ed makes his way to the Lab - and finds it a complete mess: lab glass broken, animals set free, booze bottles everywhere. Gabe enters looking very hung-over and still drunk. He begins to explain what happened but Ed snaps: and beats Gabe, who takes the punches without fighting back. Frankie appears and makes loud, painful sounds as he witnesses Ed's violence. This stops Ed who realizes what he is doing - he breaks down and holds Frankie as he apologizes to him, Gabe, and the universe. | ![]() EXT. SAN FRANCISCO (1933)John meets up with Carol and Francis at the Embarcadero during a bloody union strike - where Carol joins in on the march and leads the workers in a strike song she wrote. ARCHIVAL PHOTO: Ritchie Lovejoy (R), John Steinbeck (L) and Carol Steinbeck 1930's |
written by
P.J. Palmer and Eric Enno Tamm
1930 ~ Washington Coast ~ Elegant stingrays drift in over eelgrass past Ed, Nan and the children standing in knee-deep water collecting floating jellyfish in the shallows of a remote and idyllic cove. The eelgrass tangles around Ed's leg - he reaches down to free himself but the eelgrass tightens and pulls him under a whirlpool - he fights to reach the surface where his family calls his name in a panic - but the eelgrass becomes long yellow hair - and it pulls him deeper into the dark waters. Ed breaks free of the hair and swims through the surreal darkness - lights far below catch his attention - he is now swimming through dusk colored clouds above the...
... Monterey Peninsula ~ where Ed swims across the sky lit by floating jellyfish. Whales breach the clouds like the surface of the ocean, and splash into the open sky. Beautiful and surreal. Ed swims across the sky with dolphins that resemble different women he has known. The sun rises from under the ocean, its bright light blinding Ed - his vision blurs...
1948 ~ Monterey Hospital ~ Ed's vision comes back into focus - as the doctor shines a light in his eyes in his hospital bed - he looks worse than ever. Ed asks him how bad it is, the doctor tells him it is dreadful. Ed is interested in the details of what is happening to his body - the doctor does not hold anything back. Although the news is grim, Ed is very interested in the experience of it all from a scientific angle. He mentions that John would find this interesting too - Jean tells him that John should arrive soon...
TWA Flight ~ John holds the bottle cap he found as the plane hits intense turbulence. The lights flicker on the plane. Lightning flashes. The stewardess tells the passengers that they are re-routing to Denver for the night and will complete the trip to San Francisco in the morning. The plane is tiny against the towering storm clouds as it descends into the darkness in search of safe landing.
John's VO takes us back to:
1933 ~ The Lab ~ Ed has finished his book, BETWEEN PACIFIC TIDES, but he is only receiving rejections because of his lack of a degree - he is not a doctor and never finished University - which don't recognize his work as legitimate. Ed tries to practice his own philosophy and take it as just what "is", but it is much harder in practice.
Palace Flophouse ~ Gabe knows that Ed is feeling down and, over a gallon of 'punch' (a concoction scavenged by Eddie with all the leftover drinks where he tends bar) plans a surprise party in honor of Ed to cheer him up.
The Lab ~ Gabe convinces Ed to give him gas credit so he can go collect frogs in Mr. Won's truck (which he plans on using without Mr. Won's knowledge) and then sell the frogs Ed at a nickel a piece (money to be used for the surprise party). Ed agrees cautiously.
John has hit a string of success, selling THE RED PONY and TO A GOD UNKNOWN - and his first big success with the publication of his new novel, TORTILLA FLAT, changing his and Carol's life - they now have money. And their position in the 'Lab Group' changes because of this. John confides in Ed that he got this story from a teacher in Monterey - and he worries that Jack was right, that he does not have an original story of his own to tell. Ed encourages John to take Carol's advice and just write down something that happened.
The Lone Star Cafe ~ Flora hides a hungry, migrant Mexican family as Sheriff Larson conducts deportation raids.
Pacific Grove Cottage ~ Carol continues to edit and type John's work, while working and searching for property for them to invest their money into. She finds a ranch in Santa Cruz that she wants to remodel. All while she struggles with her anger and hurt about the abortion - and the way the Joe thing ended - she drinks more to numb it all.
San Francisco ~ Carol's political life continues to grow and she is in the city for a protest. She waves goodbye to John and Ed who have boarded a ferry past the partially constructed Golden Gate Bridge on their way to Point Reyes on a short collecting road-trip - they also have invited Bruce and Jean - and John's dog, Tillie, as well. John keeps Bruce company while Ed gets to know Jean better. Ed and Jean are very attracted to one another.
Carmel Valley ~ Gabe's frog collecting trip becomes chaos - including Gay being arrested while Gabe and the guys get wasted on whiskey - but they manage to collect a record number of frogs.
Cannery Row ~ Gabe convinces Won Yee into buying the frogs in return for whiskey for Ed's surprise party - Mr. Won knows Ed will buy the frogs no matter what, so it is a safe bet for him. Gabe, Hazel and the boys decorate the lab in anticipation of Ed's return, while also sampling the whiskey. News arrives that prohibition is officially over - a huge party engulfs Cannery Row - Flora, Won and Gabe and everyone else party in the street. Sheriff tries to break it up - so Gabe moves the party to the Lab.
Pointe Reyes ~ John reads aloud his newest work titled "Something That Happened" (AKA: OF MICE AND MEN) at campfire with Ed, Jean and Bruce. They weep at the end. Ed is deeply inspired by John's great talent. Only then do they all realize that Tillie has eaten most of the manuscript while they talked.
In the tidepools, Ed comes across a beautiful dead girl with flowing yellow hair. Ed is shocked. Ed tries to keep accept things as they are - but it is increasingly difficult.
San Francisco ~ Ed, John, Jean and Bruce stop back in San Francisco where Ed goes to the Russian Orthodox Church to listen to the choir with Jean while John takes Bruce to meet up with Carol and Francis at the Embarcadero during a bloody union strike - where Carol joins in on the march and leads the workers in a strike song she wrote. John is recognized by a fan that wants an autograph. John is in awe of Carol's passion and bravery.
Monterey ~ Ed drops off Jean with Bruce at their place. He drives to his family's home to find that Nan has moved out with the kids. The house is empty.
The Lab ~ Ed finds it a complete mess: lab glass broken, animals set free, booze bottles everywhere. Gabe enters looking very hung-over and still drunk. He begins to explain what happened but Ed snaps: and beats Gabe, who takes the punches without fighting back. Frankie appears and makes loud, painful sounds as he witnesses Ed's violence. This stops Ed who realizes what he is doing - he breaks down and holds Frankie as he apologizes to Gabe.
![]() EXT. HOOVERVILLE (1937)San Joaquin Valley John works in a migrant camp, doing research on his next novel. Women are devising plans to save toilet tissue because it is so scarce.. People are starving to death. It is horrific. John has published "The Harvest Gypsies" and "Their Blood is Strong" about the displaced workers of the Great Depression, but now vows to write his next, massive novel about the subject - in 100 days. (reference photo- Dorethea Lane) | ![]() EXT. PACIFIC GROVE (1937)Millions of bright orange Monarchs swarm amongst the tall pines of Pacific Grove. Ed, Nan, Ed Jr, Nancy, Frankie and Gabe capture the butterflies with nets as Ed explains that they swarm for defense, like sardine and seabirds and Gabe and the boys do. Gabe agrees with this assessment. | ![]() EXT. THE LAB (1937)Ed awakes from a nightmare to find that the Lab is on fire. He narrowly escapes and loses everything he has ever had as part of Cannery Row burns. The loss of his library and business is devastating. John comes to see him as he picks through the rubble of the destroyed Lab. Ed is having a hard time holding it all together. But he does. And starts to rebuild right away. |
![]() CHARLIE CHAPLINon Thanksgiving day, Charlie Chaplin arrives unannounced - he is a great fan of John's work - and has been driving the countryside trying to pinpoint the locations depicted in John's novels. Carol makes a huge dinner but is overwhelmed - so John takes Charlie to Ed's. | ![]() ARCHIVAL PHOTO (1936)Pacific Biological Laboratories burns to the ground. | ![]() ARCHIVAL PHOTOCannery Row Burns |
![]() ARCHIVAL PHOTOCannery Row burns | ![]() EXT. CANNERY ROW (1937)Ed awakes from a nightmare to find that the Lab is on fire. He narrowly escapes and loses everything he has ever had as part of Cannery Row burns. The loss of his library and business is devastating. John comes to see him as he picks through the rubble of the destroyed Lab. Ed is having a hard time holding it all together. But he does. And starts to rebuild right away. | ![]() ARCHIVAL PHOTOCannery Row burns |
![]() THE LONG VALLEY by Jon SteinbeckJohn and Carol now live in a small, custom-built home in Los Gatos that they had built over the past couple years - he has sold "In Dubious Battle" - a strike novel and "Of Mice and Men" which is going to Broadway. They are nearly wealthy at this point, and he is famous. They no longer spend their days as bohemians with the rest of the group in Monterey. | ![]() EXT. HOOVERVILLE (1937)San Joaquin Valley John works in a migrant camp, doing research on his next novel. Women are devising plans to save toilet tissue because it is so scarce.. People are starving to death. It is horrific. John has published "The Harvest Gypsies" and "Their Blood is Strong" about the displaced workers of the Great Depression, but now vows to write his next, massive novel about the subject - in 100 days. (reference photo- Dorethea Lane) | ![]() OF MICE AND MEN by John SteinbeckJohn and Carol now live in a small, custom-built home in Los Gatos that they had built over the past couple years - he has sold "In Dubious Battle" - a strike novel and "Of Mice and Men" which is going to Broadway. They are nearly wealthy at this point, and he is famous. They no longer spend their days as bohemians with the rest of the group in Monterey. |
![]() IN DUBIOUS BATTLE by John SteinbeckJohn and Carol now live in a small, custom-built home in Los Gatos that they had built over the past couple years - he has sold "In Dubious Battle" - a strike novel and "Of Mice and Men" which is going to Broadway. They are nearly wealthy at this point, and he is famous. They no longer spend their days as bohemians with the rest of the group in Monterey. | ![]() EXT. HOOVERVILLE CAMP (1937)John works in a migrant camp, doing research on his next novel. Women are devising plans to save toilet tissue because it is so scarce. People are starving to death. It is horrific. John has published "The Harvest Gypsies" and "Their Blood is Strong" about the displaced workers of the Great Depression, but now vows to write his next, massive novel about the subject - in 100 days. ARCHIVAL PHOTO by Doretha Lang | ![]() EXT. HOOVERVILLE (1937)San Joaquin Valley John works in a migrant camp, doing research on his next novel. Women are devising plans to save toilet tissue because it is so scarce.. People are starving to death. It is horrific. John has published "The Harvest Gypsies" and "Their Blood is Strong" about the displaced workers of the Great Depression, but now vows to write his next, massive novel about the subject - in 100 days. |
![]() INT. THE LAB (1937)John, Carol, Won, Flora, Gabe, Nan, and the kids, surprise Ed with a small Christmas tree - and everyone, including his children, give him books wrapped in Christmas paper to help replenish his lost library. Ed is deeply touched. | ![]() INT. COUNTY JAIL (1937)The Sheriff arrives - and says that he has arrested Frankie. Ed goes down to the jailhouse to see Frankie and learns that he had stolen a clock from a jewelry store as a gift for Ed's surprise christmas party. Ed asks him why he did it, Frankie replies simply: "I love you." Ed is speechless. Sheriff tells Ed that now that Frankie is in puberty, they have to send him away, he will become a danger to society. Ed leaves in shame for not being able to help Frankie. | ![]() EXT. PACIFIC GROVE (1937)Millions of bright orange Monarchs swarm amongst the tall pines of Pacific Grove. Ed, Nan, Ed Jr, Nancy, Frankie and Gabe capture the butterflies with nets as Ed explains that they swarm for defense, like sardine and seabirds and Gabe and the boys do. Gabe agrees with this assessment. |
![]() CHARLIE CHAPLINon Thanksgiving day, Charlie Chaplin arrives unannounced - he is a great fan of John's work - and has been driving the countryside trying to pinpoint the locations depicted in John's novels. Carol makes a huge dinner but is overwhelmed - so John takes Charlie to Ed's. |
1937 ~ San Joaquin Valley ~ John works in a migrant camp; researching the life of the migrants for a series of articles he is writing for the San Francisco Chronicle. Women in the camp are devising plans to save toilet tissue because it is so scarce. People are starving to death. Farmers are cruel. It is horrific. John vows to write his next, massive novel about the subject - in 100 days.
Monterey Peninsula ~ Millions of bright orange Monarchs swarm amongst the tall pines of Pacific Grove. Ed, Nan, Ed Jr., Nancy, Frankie and Gabe capture the butterflies with nets as Ed explains that they swarm for defense, like sardine and seabirds and Gabe and the boys do. Gabe agrees with this assessment. The children have grown quite a bit over the past 5 years. Both Ed Jr. (14) and Frankie (14) are teenagers. Ed thanks Nan for her help on this harvest, and says that this order will help him catch up on his payments to her to help her move to Sitka, Alaska. Nan tells the children it's time to go and to say their goodbyes. Ed Jr. protests, saying he wants to go live with his father. Nan tells Ed that Ed Jr. has been impossible. Ed says that maybe Ed Jr. should come live with him. Nan isn't so sure, but she will consider it given how difficult he is being. Ed says he can come for the week.
A flu outbreak has hit the area. Although Ed is not a doctor, everyone who can't afford a real doctor relies on him to tend to their sick families. Ed makes rounds from shanty to shanty.
The Lone Star Cafe ~ Business is booming as there is a huge sardine season which means many more fishermen with money. Also a new regimet has moved into the Presidio, so the place is flush with new soldiers. Eva Flanegan is on vacation in East St. Louis, PHYLLIS MAE (30s) broke her leg getting off the rollercoaster in Santa Cruz and ELISIE DOUBLEBOTTTOM (20s) is practicing lent - so she is useless to Flora who needs all the help she can get right about now. She complains to Ed: "Some of them don;t turn three tricks a month but they go right on eating three meals a day." She also tells Ed that he looks terrible - he hasn't slept or ate much in a week, he has been so busy making rounds. Flora offers to help. She has Lou make endless pots of stew for the Girls to deliver to sick families between shifts. Flora also buys groceries from Mr. Won - at a wholesale price - to feed the families with. Gabe calls Ed "Doc", and the nickname sticks. Flora leaves Ed a case of his favorite bootlegged beer, Burgermiester, at his front door as a thank you for caring for the Row.
Los Gatos Ranch ~ John and Carol now live in a small ranch house in Los Gatos - he has sold IN DUBIOUS BATTLE - a strike novel and OF MICE AND MEN, which is going to Broadway. They are nearly wealthy at this point, and he is famous. They no longer spend their days as bohemians with the rest of the group in Monterey. John finds that working here is difficult - as his new fame and their financial status mean they must become accustomed to a different sort of life with constant callers and construction and distractions that come with it all. He misses their quieter life in Monterey.
The Lab ~ Ed Jr. finds Pop dead in the lab - heart-attack. John comes to be with Ed and Ed Jr. The death of Pop is a blow to Ed and he finds it difficult to be "Zen" about it. The Row is saddened for Ed and Ed Jr.
Monterey ~ Gabe, lying drunk in the gutter, is woken up by the sounds of strange, melancholy music coming from the sewer below - it is haunting and otherworldly. He tells Gay and Hazel to come with him to listen, but the strange sounds aren't there when others are present. Gabe considers swearing off drinking.
The Lab ~ The inetcom between the basement and Ed's upstairs room wakes Ed. Although it is the middle of the night, he answers the intercom - and hears his father's voice on the other end. Ed is horrified - then wakes to find it was a nightmare.
Los Gatos Ranch ~ John gets back to work writing at the ranch. On Thanksgiving day, Charlie Chaplin arrives unannounced - he is a great fan of John's work - and has been driving the countryside trying to pinpoint the locations depicted in John's novels. Carol makes a huge dinner but is overwhelmed - so John takes Charlie to...
The Lab ~ John tries to leave to get back home and back to writing but Xenia arrives at the Lab - and has brought John Cage. She announces they are newlyweds - and that Cage is bisexual, and so is she. Flora and the girls, Won and Gabe and the boys arrive to meet Charlie. A classic lab party ensues. Gabe confesses that he feels that God is speaking to him through the sewer pipes, and he has sworn off drinking beer, spooked by the sounds. He now only drinks hard liquor. Ed follows up that he has nightmares about his father calling him on the intercom. John suggests they unplug the intercos so no one plays a practical joke. Ed decides to immediately remove the intercoms, "It would be worse disconnected, I couldn't stand that."
Jean and Bruce arrive to the party. Jean pulls Ed aside to tell him that she is pregnant with his child. Ed is overwrought with competing emotions. Jean tells him to never let Bruce know.
John finds Ed Jr. down at the water's edge behind the lab, practicing his trumpet while sitting in a large drainage pipe. Gabe's God is revealed. But John keeps it to himself.
Ed awakes to the sound of the intercom buzzing from the box he put it in. Frightened, he opens the box and fire leaps out at him - he suddenly wakes from the nightmare to find that the Lab is actually on fire. He grabs his typewriter narrowly escapes in his car, pantless - before the building crashes down. Everything he has ever had is lost in the fire, which was started in the Canneries. After the ashes had cooled, the safe is found lying on its side in the basement where it had fallen when the floor above gave way. John comes to see him as he picks through the rubble of the destroyed Lab. John and Ed pry the safe open and find half a pineapple pie, a quarter of a pound of Gorgonzola cheese, and an open can of sardines—all of them except the sardines in good condition. The sardines were a little dry. Ed mentions that the safe is remarkable - if valuable things had been in the safe it would surely have protected them. “Think how delicate Gorgonzola is. It couldn’t have been very hot inside that safe. The cheese is still delicious.”
The loss of his library and business is devastating. Ed is having a hard time holding it all together. But he does. And starts to rebuild right away.
John gets back to his writing. Ed builds.
The Lone Star Cafe ~ Mr. Won, Flora, Gabe, Hazel, Gay and John surprise Ed with a small Christmas tree - and everyone gives him books wrapped in Christmas paper to help replenish his lost library. Ed is deeply touched. The Sheriff arrives - and says that he has arrested Frankie. Ed goes down to the jailhouse to see Frankie and learns that he had stolen a watch from a jewelry store as a gift for Ed's surprise Christmas party. Ed asks him why he did it, Frankie replies simply: "I love you." Ed is speechless. Sheriff tells Ed that now that Frankie is in puberty, they have to send him away; he will become a danger to society. Ed leaves in shame for not being able to help Frankie.
1948 ~ Monterey Hospital ~ Joe tells Carol that he has been staying in Big Sur. Carol explains that she is married and lives in Carmel. She knows Ed is holding on to see John, even though he is in great pain.
San Francisco Airport ~ John, worn out from his travel, departs a small bus at Monterey Airlines terminal. He asks the gate agent for the next departure time. She is less than friendly, and tells him it depends on when the fog decides to lift. He says he will rent a car and drive. The agent tells him that there are no more rentals left for the day. He will "just have to wait. Or walk." and then dryly: "Welcome to San Francisco."
written by
P.J. Palmer and Eric Enno Tamm
![]() INT. CANNERYreference photo | ![]() INT. GRAND CENTRAL NYC (1939)Carol arrives by train to Grand Central to see "Of Mice and Men" on Broadway - John had declined to go, so she went by herself - she meets up with Joe, and finds that she still loves him. But he is now married. It is a painful reunion for her. | ![]() EXT. STUDIO BACKLOT (1939)John walks with BURGESS MEREDITH across a Hollywood studio backlot, visiting the sets for "Of Mice and Men" and the "The Grapes of Wrath". ARCHIVAL PHOTO: Henry Fonda in THE GRAPES OF WRATH |
![]() EXT. MONTEREY (1939)"The Grapes of Wrath" has become controversial. John returns to Monterey feeling overwhelmed with the pressure of death threats, book burnings and his worry for Carol - who has returned from New York in a deeper depression. He stays with Ed at the lab for a few days. Ed nurses John's emotional state back to health with carefully chosen doses of music as medicine. | ![]() EXT. HOLLYWOOD (1939)John must stay in Hollywood for a publicity blitz for "The Grapes of Wrath" which is a huge success and best seller. ARCHIVAL PHOTO The "Land' portion was removed in 1939 - NOTE: this should be seen in this episode | ![]() EXT. HOLLYWOOD BLVD. (1939)John must stay in Hollywood for a publicity blitz for "The Grapes of Wrath" which is a huge success and best seller. |
![]() INT. HOLLYWOOD BUNGALOW (1939)SPENCER TRACY brings a starlet over to cheer John up: GWEN CONDOR. John introduces himself as "Mr. Brooks" - and they have their first date over a bowl of chicken soup in John's dimly lit kitchen. | ![]() INT. MGM STUDIOS (1939)John walks with BURGESS MEREDITH across a Hollywood studio backlot, visiting the sets for "Of Mice and Men" and making a deal for "The Grapes of Wrath". | ![]() OF MICE AND MEN John SteinbeckMovie Poster |
![]() EXT. MGM STUDIOS (1939)John walks with BURGESS MEREDITH across a Hollywood studio backlot, visiting the sets for "Of Mice and Men" and making a deal for "The Grapes of Wrath". | ![]() EXT. STUDIO BACKLOT (1939)John walks with BURGESS MEREDITH across a Hollywood studio backlot, visiting the sets for "Of Mice and Men" and the "The Grapes of Wrath". ARCHIVAL PHOTO: Burgess Meredith in OF MICE AND MEN | ![]() THE GRAPES OF WRATH John SteinbeckAs the controversy gets worse over "The Grapes of Wrath", He hides out at Lab and tells his agents that he has given up on writing. "The vilification of me out here from the large landowners and bankers is pretty bad. The latest is a rumor started by them that the Okies hate me and have threatened to kill me for lying about them. I'm frightened at the rolling might of this damned thing. It is completely out of hand; I mean a kind of hysteria about the book is growing that is not healthy" |
![]() THE GRAPES OF WRATH John SteinbeckAs the controversy gets worse over "The Grapes of Wrath", He hides out at Lab and tells his agents that he has given up on writing. "The vilification of me out here from the large landowners and bankers is pretty bad. The latest is a rumor started by them that the Okies hate me and have threatened to kill me for lying about them. I'm frightened at the rolling might of this damned thing. It is completely out of hand; I mean a kind of hysteria about the book is growing that is not healthy" | ![]() THE GRAPES OF WRATH John SteinbeckAs the controversy gets worse over "The Grapes of Wrath", He hides out at Lab and tells his agents that he has given up on writing. "The vilification of me out here from the large landowners and bankers is pretty bad. The latest is a rumor started by them that the Okies hate me and have threatened to kill me for lying about them. I'm frightened at the rolling might of this damned thing. It is completely out of hand; I mean a kind of hysteria about the book is growing that is not healthy" | ![]() EXT. BROWN DERBY (1939)John has to stay in town for a publicity blitz for "The Grapes of Wrath" which is a huge success and best seller. |
![]() EXT. SALINAS (1939)"The Grapes of Wrath" has become controversial. John returns to Monterey feeling overwhelmed with the pressure of death threats, book burnings and his worry for Carol - who has returned from New York in a deeper depression. He stays with Ed at the lab for a few days. Ed nurses John's emotional state back to health with carefully chosen doses of music as medicine. ARCHIVAL PHOTO: Men burn THE GRAPES OF WRATH in John Steinbeck's hometown of Salinas, CA | ![]() EXT. TIMES SQUARE NYC (1939)Carol arrives by train to Grand Central to see "Of Mice and Men" on Broadway - John had declined to go, so she went by herself - she meets up with Joe, and finds that she still loves him. But he is now married. It is a painful reunion for her. | ![]() EXT. GRAND CENTRAL NYC (1939)Carol arrives by train to Grand Central to see "Of Mice and Men" on Broadway - John had declined to go, so she went by herself - she meets up with Joe, and finds that she still loves him. But he is now married. It is a painful reunion for her. |
![]() EXT. PARAMOUNT STUDIOS (1939)John walks with BURGESS MEREDITH across a Hollywood studio backlot, visiting the sets for "Of Mice and Men" and making a deal for "The Grapes of Wrath". | ![]() EXT. STUDIO BACKLOT (1939)John walks with BURGESS MEREDITH across a Hollywood studio backlot, visiting the sets for "Of Mice and Men" and the "The Grapes of Wrath". ARCHIVAL PHOTO: Henry Fonda on set of THE GRAPES OF WRATH | ![]() EXT. HOLLYWOOD BLVD (1939)John has to stay in town for a publicity blitz for "The Grapes of Wrath" which is a huge success and best seller. |
![]() INT. HOLLYWOOD BUNGALOW (1939)SPENCER TRACY brings a starlet over to cheer John up: GWEN CONDOR. John introduces himself as "Mr. Brooks" - and they have their first date over a bowl of chicken soup in John's dimly lit kitchen. | ![]() EXT. LAB (1939)Ed has built a new lab but is struggling greatly from the lost business due to the fire and great depression. John can now see how bad-off Ed is financially and offers to pay the debts of the Lab, becoming a silent investor - and saving Ed from total ruin. | ![]() NEW YORK TIMESJohn wins the Pulitzer. But he gives prize money to Ritchie to help fund his writing. |
1939 ~ Hollywood ~ John walks with BURGESS MEREDITH across a Hollywood studio backlot, visiting the sets for "Of Mice and Men" and "The Grapes of Wrath" - both in production. John is staying in bungalows rented by the movie studio for actors and writers. He keeps to himself mostly and works in his small room. John has to stay in town to help Charlie Chaplin's script THE GREAT DICTATOR. SPENCER TRACY takes John out to Rick's nightclub for a high stakes poker game where starlet GWEN CONDOR (20) is singing. John is dazzled by her silky voice and long legs. She comes to their table to flirt. John introduces himself as "Mr. Brooks" - and they have their first date over a bowl of chicken soup in John's dimly lit kitchen.
New York ~ Carol arrives by train to Grand Central to see OF MICE AND MEN on Broadway - John had declined to go, so she went by herself - she meets up with Joe, and finds that she still loves him. But he is now married. It is a painful reunion for her.
The Lab ~ Ed has built a new lab but is struggling greatly from the lost business due to the fire and great depression. Nan has left Ed Jr (now 15) to live permanently with Ed to help out at the lab, while she has moved north with the girls.
Ed's book finally gets published - but it's not enough money to get him out of the hole that the fire created.
Bruce brings Jean to the Lab for her open affair with Ed. Bruce takes Ed Jr outside to keep it from him. Ed, Bruce and Jean leave baby Dennis with Ed Jr. at lab to baby sit. War of the Worlds comes on the radio, terrifying Ed Jr. who is protecting the baby, even though he is unaware it is his half brother.
Holman's Department Store ~ The entire town is obsessed with a publicity stunt at Holman's - where they have employed a 'flagpole skater' perched on a tall mast on top of the stir with a little round platform where he skates in circles for days on end to beat the previous record: 127 hours. Gabe, Hazel and Gay can't understand all the fuss. Ritchie however is obsessed with one question: How does the pole skater take care of his personal business??
The Lab ~ John returns to Monterey and can now see how bad-off Ed is financially and offers to pay the debts of the Lab, becoming a silent investor - and saving Ed from total ruin. As the controversy gets worse over THE GRAPES OF WRATH (with book burnings and death threats) so, John hides out at the Lab. "The vilification of me out here from the large landowners and bankers is pretty bad. The latest is a rumor started by them that the Okies hate me and have threatened to kill me for lying about them. I'm frightened at the rolling might of this damned thing. It is completely out of hand; I mean a kind of hysteria about the book is growing that is not healthy." John tells his agents that hs is done with writing novels and he will now become a marine biologist.
John is also avoiding Carol. He and Ed decide to collaborate on a guidebook for the San Francisco Bay. John buys a car for them to make a mobile lab so they can travel the bay area coastline and write. They create a logo of their combined initials and add it to the door of the car. On their road-trip, Ed stops in at diner, on a challenge by John, to try a beer milkshake.
Both men agree it will better to co-write a larger book on Mexico, which should advance Ed's reputation as a scientist and to establish John's bona fides as a scientific writer. An expedition like this will be expensive, but John will finance.
Burgess, in town shooting OF MICE AND MEN, comes to the Lab to meet Ed - and brings Gwyn with him to be with John.
Holman's Department Store ~ Ritchie finally works up the courage to shout up his question to the pole skater about how he relieves himself way up there... "I've got a can up here."
1948 ~ Monterey Hospital ~ Ed, barely awake, whispers to Jean as she writes for him. She then takes the letter and leaves to go to...
... Cannery Row ~ where she retrieves the hidden key and enters the Lab. She goes to the desk and pulls out items to set on top: Ed briefcase, a Russian snow globe, postcards from Europe, photos of John and Ed from the Sea of Cortez, a framed New York Times article. She leaves the letter in the briefcase then takes a few notebooks and letters with her before locking the lab back up and replacing the key.
written by
P.J. Palmer and Eric Enno Tamm
![]() EXT. WESTERN FLYER (1940)Ed makes a habit of taking long baths on the deck of the Flyer. Carol - and the others - admire that he has no qualms about being naked in front of them. John watches Ed and Carol flirt with each other. Carol has night terrors and Ed goes to her cabin to soothe her. Sex between them is simply to enjoy. John tries his best to drown out his feelings with whiskey. | ![]() EXT. MONTEREY (1940)The whole town buzzes with excitement for the Sardine Fiesta and Feast of Santa Rosalia - where boats are covered in flowers and flags and blessed by priest - the patron saint of Sicily is paraded around Monterey, fisherman compete in the greased-log-walking contest and a huge dance party goes late into the night - all as Ed, John and Carol prepare a large fishing boat, The Western Flyer, for an expedition with Captain TONY BERRY (30's). | ![]() EXT. WESTERN FLYER (1940)Ed, John and Carol prepare a large fishing boat, The Western Flyer, for an expedition with Captain TONY BERRY (30's) ARCHIVAL PHOTO: Tony Berry and Tiny Colleto on board the Western Flyer (1940) |
![]() EXT. BAJA MEXICO (1940)The sun rises over "deep ultramarine blue" water. Sea-turtles ride the current and huge Rays leap out of the water. Tiny and Sparky excitedly harpoon large tuna while the Western Flyer goes off course. The waters are filled with sea life. Tony steers the boat back on track and past the two Friars at the tip of the Cape at San Lucas. | ![]() EXT. SEA OF CORTEZ (1940)The sun rises over "deep ultramarine blue" water. Sea-turtles ride the current and huge Rays leap out of the water. Tiny and Sparky excitedly harpoon large tuna while the Western Flyer goes off course. The waters are filled with sea life. | ![]() EXT. SEA OF CORTEZ (1940)The sun rises over "deep ultramarine blue" water. Sea-turtles ride the current and huge Rays leap out of the water. Tiny and Sparky excitedly harpoon large tuna while the Western Flyer goes off course. The waters are filled with sea life. |
![]() EXT. SEA OF CORTEZ (1940)The sun rises over "deep ultramarine blue" water. Sea-turtles ride the current and huge Rays leap out of the water. Tiny and Sparky excitedly harpoon large tuna while the Western Flyer goes off course. The waters are filled with sea life. | ![]() ARCHIVAL PHOTOThe Western Flyer on Monterey Bay (1940) | ![]() ARCHIVAL PHOTO: Spencer TracySpencer Tracy is there for to join the expedition, but cancels at the last minute because of his schedule. And he has Gwen with him, who pouts because she would rather it was her going instead of Carol. |
![]() EXT. SEA OF CORTEZ (1940)Tiny and Sparky excitedly harpoon large tuna while the Western Flyer goes off course. The waters are filled with sea life. | ![]() ARCHIVAL PHOTOThe Western Flyer docked in Monterey | ![]() ARCHIVAL PHOTOCaptain Tony with John Steinbeck on board the Western Flyer (1940) |
![]() ARCHIVAL PHOTOThe crew with passengers and friends aboard the Western Flyer, except Ed. Note John Steinbeck hides his face behind Carol, avoiding any press in the drastic aftermath of the Grapes of Wrath | ![]() EXT. MONTEREY BAY (1940)ARCHIVAL PHOTO: The Western Flyer sails towards the open sea at the beginning of a six-week expedition to The Sea of Cortez with Ed Ricketts, John Steinbeck and Carol Steinbeck on board. | ![]() EXT. MONTEREY (1940)The whole town buzzes with excitement for the Sardine Fiesta and Feast of Santa Rosalia - where boats are covered in flowers and flags and blessed by priest - the patron saint of Sicily is paraded around Monterey, fisherman compete in the greased-log-walking contest and a huge dance party goes late into the night - all as Ed, John and Carol prepare a large fishing boat, The Western Flyer, for an expedition with Captain TONY BERRY (30's). |
![]() EXT. MONTEREY (1940)The whole town buzzes with excitement for the Sardine Fiesta and Feast of Santa Rosalia - where boats are covered in flowers and flags and blessed by priest - the patron saint of Sicily is paraded around Monterey, fisherman compete in the greased-log-walking contest and a huge dance party goes late into the night - all as Ed, John and Carol prepare a large fishing boat, The Western Flyer, for an expedition with Captain TONY BERRY (30's). |
written by
P.J. Palmer and Eric Enno Tamm
1940 ~ Monterey ~ The whole town buzzes with excitement for the Sardine Fiesta and Feast of Santa Rosalia - where boats are covered in flowers and flags and blessed by priest - the patron saint of Sicily is paraded around Monterey, fisherman compete in the greased-log-walking contest and a huge dance party goes late into the night - all as Ed, John and Carol prepare a large fishing boat, The Western Flyer, for an expedition with Captain TONY BERRY (30's). Ed and John outfit the boat with a mobile lab, cases of collecting jars, microscopes, chemicals and a library of books. Jean, Bruce, Ed Jr (17), Won, Gabe, Flora, the Girls, Ritchie and Tal, Tiny and Sparky and many others celebrate on board in the harbor. Spencer Tracy is there to join the expedition, but cancels at the last minute because of his schedule. Spencer has Gwen with him, who pouts because she would rather it was her going instead of Carol. John tells her to go home as he sees that Carol is nearby.
John hires Ed Jr. to take care of his and Carol's matching new and expensive Packards while they are gone. And John throws his money around paying for all the drinks and food for the parties. It is also well known that he has paid for this trip. Flora pulls John aside to tell him to stop being such an asshole with his money and let others contribute too - even if they can't afford it financially. Their dignity is worth more than money. John comes to realize that giving can be a selfish act. The Western Flyer leaves Monterey Bay for the open ocean with great fanfare and camaraderie and hangovers.
Sea of Cortez ~ On board the Western Flyer, Sparky and Tiny are cold to John - they believe that John's writing propaganda for the AFL-CIO. It comes out that Carol was the writer. She is mad at John for letting this out, and refuses to sleep with him. She locks herself in the stateroom for two days. John must sleep in the hot engine room. The crew becomes close with John and Ed right away - talking over beer and steaks about Hemingway, women and more women. Sparky and Tiny hold a grudge against Carol for not cooking as she promised. They admire John for his stories of Monterey because they are true - they know he didn't steal the stories - John feels vindicated.
The sun rises over "deep ultramarine blue" water. Sea turtles ride the current and huge Rays leap out of the water. Tiny and Sparky excitedly harpoon large tuna while the Western Flyer goes off course. The waters are filled with sea life. Tony steers the boat back on track and past the two Friars at the tip of the Cape at San Lucas.
Ed, John and Carol spend their days collecting and discussing how interconnected the world, life is. They are in unison, as they once used to be years ago. The crew notices their harmony and joins in the collecting - which is very hard and painful work. It takes many hours back on board to preserve all the animals. Mexican officers board the Western Flyer with weapons, but soon are having smokes and drinks with everyone on board.
Ed makes a habit of taking long baths on the deck of the Flyer. Carol - and the others - notice that he has no qualms about being naked in front of them. John watches Ed and Carol flirt with each other. Carol has night terrors and Ed goes to her cabin to soothe her. Sex between them is simply to enjoy. John tries his best to drown out his feelings with whiskey.
1948 ~ The Lab ~ Ed is in the Lab, but it is unusual. The animals in the jars are as alive as they were when he captured them. Including the embalmed cats and even the fetus. Bright light beams through cracks between the boards of the walls, as if the Sun were right outside. Ed sees Mr. Won dressed as Pop working in the Lab, entertaining the animals. Mr. Won speaks with Ed's voice - saying that Ed's fractured family was what it is suppose to be - and his new families are what they are suppose to be also. There is no disappointment. Only what is. And as Mr. Won speaks he becomes Pop - but with the same expression of stern yet peaceful fulfillment- Pop fills with bright light and fades to...
Monterey Hospital ... Ed Jr. stands at Ed's bedside looking at him with the same expression as Pop/Mr. Won. Ed gives a slight smile as does Ed Jr.
1948 ~ San Francisco ~ John sits in the airport bar coffee in hand. Two young women approach, having recognized him. He tries to ignore them but they ask for his autograph. He asks "Why do you want an autograph?" They insist. He bursts out:
The greatest man I ever knew is lying in a hospital, dying,
and there is nothing I can do about it.
They still want the autographs. John relents, on condition that they disappear. The bartender, overhearing, offers him something stiffer. He accepts and drinks it in a gulp, drowning his feelings. The bartender pours another when John overhears "Final boarding call for Monterey Airlines..." - He pushes the drink away and hurries for the gate.
![]() EXT. SEA OF CORTEZ (1940)Carol drinks with Tiny and Sparky - she falls into the water fully clothed. She pulls herself up on deck and removes her top. Tiny and Sparky are both excited and nervous but appalled that she ruined her expensive watch, which had been a gift from John. Tiny and Carol end up having an affair on the boat while John and Ed are out collecting - only adding more tension to the situation. | ![]() EXT. SEA OF CORTEZ (1940)Tiny signs up for a boxing match in the village. He drinks all day at the brothels and arrives to the match drunk. He lasts several rounds. Historic photo as reference. | ![]() EXT. SEA OF CORTEZ (1940)Ed buys Tiny a set of silver boxing gloves as his reward for bravery in the boxing match he lost while drunk in the village. |
![]() EXT. SEA OF CORTEZ (1940)The Western Flyer rolls gently under a vast starfield. Below the boat, phosphorescent sea-life glows in the black waters. It seems the boat is drifting through space. | ![]() EXT. SEA OF CORTEZ (1940)Ed, John, Carol, Tiny, Sparky and Tony swim in the bright waters of a shallow cove lined with Mangrove trees. In the distance, the sounds of children singing in a church drift across the calm waters. The group wades into a shallow mangrove forest along the water and collect - it is peaceful. | ![]() EXT. SEA OF CORTEZ (1940)The waters are filled with sealife. |
![]() EXT. SEA OF CORTEZ (1940)The waters are filled with sea life. | ![]() EXT. SEA OF CORTEZ (1940)The Western Flyer glides over the calm waters. | ![]() EXT. SEA OF CORTEZEd, John, Carol, Tiny, Sparky and Tony swim in the bright waters of a shallow cove lined with Mangrove trees. In the distance, the sounds of children singing in a church drift across the calm waters. The group wades into a shallow mangrove forest along the water and collect - it is peaceful. |
![]() Carol Steinbeckhistoric reference photo | ![]() Map of Sea of Cortezreference | ![]() EXT. SEA OF CORTEZ (1940)Archival Historic Photo: John Steinbeck, Carol Steinbeck, Tiny, Sparky on the Baby Flyer in Sea Of Cortez, mexico 1940 |
![]() EXT. SAN DIEGO (1940)The Western Flyer returns to the US to find a country at war. Large navy vessels crowd the harbor at San Diego | ![]() EXT. SEA OF CORTEZ - DAYThe tranquil waters are overfilled with sealife. | ![]() EXT. SEA OF CORTEZ (1940)The Western Flyer comes up on a large Japanese fishing boat that is dragging the bottom of the ocean for shrimp. This method of fishing is devastating to the environment. |
![]() EXT. SEA OF CORTEZ (1940)The Western Flyer comes up on a large Japanese fishing boat that is dragging the bottom of the ocean for shrimp. This method of fishing is devastating to the environment. | ![]() EXT. SEA OF CORTEZ (1940)Ed, John, Carol, Tiny, Sparky and Tony swim in the bright waters of a shallow cove lined with Mangrove trees. In the distance, the sounds of children singing in a church drift across the calm waters. The group wades into a shallow mangrove forest along the water and collect - it is peaceful. | ![]() EXT. SEA OF CORTEZ (1940)The waters are overfilled with sea life. |
written by
P.J. Palmer and Eric Enno Tamm
1940 ~ Sea of Cortez ~ The Western Flyer rolls gently under a vast star field. Below the boat, phosphorescent sea-life glows in the black waters. It seems the boat is drifting through space. On deck, John, Tiny, Tony, Sparky and Carol drink near Ed who is busy preserving the day's collections.
Ed mentions that they have collected far more than he expected - maybe $18 - $25 thousand worth of inventory. Tony angrily claims that he should have been paid more for the expedition. It's been over a month, and the expedition has had great effects on everyone - both positive and negative.
They all go ashore and drink in a small town - but first Tony sprinkles everyone with shaving lotion to cover their lack of proper bathing. Tiny and Sparky visit the brothels and Tiny signs up for a boxing match that night in the bar. He drinks all day, and enters the ring drunk. He goes several rounds but loses.
John and Carol's relationship has not gotten any better. But the days spent collecting are still beautiful.
Carol drinks with Tiny and Sparky - she falls into the water fully clothed. She pulls herself up on deck and removes her top. Tiny and Sparky are both excited and nervous but appalled that she ruined her expensive watch, which had been a gift from John. Tiny and Carol end up having an affair on the boat while John and Ed are out collecting - only adding more tension to the situation.
Ed, John, Carol, Tiny, Sparky and Tony swim in the bright waters of a shallow cove lined with Mangrove trees. In the distance, the sounds of children singing in a church drift across the calm waters. The group wades into a shallow mangrove forest along the water and collect - it is peaceful. Ed discusses he views on 'is' thinking with the others, and how everything is connected in a larger whole. It is a beautiful moment.
Sparky and Tiny bring Mexican girls on board - everyone is drinking. Carol cooks up some lemon pies - which makes everyone happy - but there are only four pies, so they must ration. Yet every time she turns around, another slice is missing.
Tiny, a little drunk, talks about race. He tells everyone a story about his past that he is not proud of...
1920's ~ Cannery Row ... Tiny (10) and Sparky (11) walk the row throwing rocks at corrugated metal. Tiny picks on Sparky a bit - trying to start a fight or something for excitement. As dusk takes over the Row, a very old CHINESE MAN (80s) walks up from the shore and crosses the Row towards the vacant lot. Tiny stands in the way of the elderly man and yells racist teases in the man's face. The man fearlessly stares directly at Tiny with a look of strength beyond anything Tiny has experienced before. The man says something but Tiny can not quite grasp the words - the look is enough for him to realize how awful he is being to the man. Tiny runs off and the man makes his way through the vacant lot...
Sea of Cortez ~ 1940 ~ ...Tiny finishes up his remorseful story with: "Kids are awful sometimes". Under the table, Sparky puts his hands on one of the girl's thighs - the girl does not react. Carol sees this and puts her hand on Sparky's. Tony, watching the whole ordeal says "Come off it, Carol - your kind are a dime a dozen". John stands up for Carol saying "You can't talk to my wife like that" - John and Tony nearly come to blows when Ed says: "Hey, another pie is missing!", breaking the tension.
Later, the missing pie is found hidden in Ed's bed - he had planned to eat it in the middle of the night. They all decide that no more pies should be made, or else a mutiny may break out.
The Western Flyer makes it way back towards California - and comes up on a large Japanese fishing boat that is dragging the bottom of the ocean for shrimp. This method of fishing is devastating to the environment. John and Ed board the ship, and see first hand the destruction it is capable of. Ed mentions that this will cause another Dust Bowl - this time under the sea. Ed is passionate about this. Tony says maybe they should just ignore it because it is what it is -proving how hard 'is' thinking can be in practice.
Now, closer to the U.S., the radios work again and the crew receives news that the U.S. has entered the war. John stays close to the radio, taking down notes. Carol and John's relationship remains strained, as he is aware of her affairs. He is also distant to Ed. Tony and the rest of the crew is anxious to get the trip over with. They pull into San Diego and find that the war machine is at full strength with large ships and planes headed out into World War II. The waters are very choppy and Ed is extremely sick. He wants off in San Diego. Sparky says to Tiny: "He looks dead. With that beard he looks like Jesus Christ!" Ed opens one eye and says: "No, I'm not Jesus Christ. I'm only half-dead."
1948 ~ Monterey Hospital ~ Xenia and John Cage arrive. Carol leads Xenia in to see Ed. Xenia gives Ed a handmade get-well card with drawing of what are clearly mans hands gently holding a beautiful and intricate sea-anemone that somewhat resembles a heart. It is inscribed, "Flowered - Xenia". She places the drawing on his heart and gently kisses his brow. Ed struggles to reach for Xenia. Jean suggests they let him rest.
![]() EXT. LOS GATOS (1941)John throws a lavish birthday party for Carol - hosted with Salvador Dali. | ![]() EXT. LOS GATOS RANCH (1941)Ritchie tells the crowd that back-in-the-day, John had famously told Carol: "Marry me and you will be swathed in furs, have your own swimming pool, and your name up in lights. - And sure enough, she has her pool, and her fur. And now..." on that cue, Tal flips a switch with a birthday bow on it - and the backyard lights up with a large sign made of lights over the swimming pool that reads: "CAROL". Everyone gasps - stunned to see Carol and Sparky having sex on the diving board. | ![]() INT. LOS GATOS RANCH (1941)John throws a lavish party with Salvador Dali to celebrate Carol's birthday. (archival photo for reference) |
![]() EXT. MEXICO CITY (1941)Mexico City National Library ~ Ed works hard on the SEA OF CORTEZ notebooks as fighters take to the streets in violent protests. Nazi pamphlets and propaganda litter the city. Ed argues with John to finish what they started - to work on the SEA OF CORTEZ book. But John can not be bothered - he is busy working on the movie while also devising a plan to help the U.S. Government flood Germany with counterfeit money and ruin its economy. | ![]() Gwyn Congerhistoric reference photo | ![]() EXT. MEXICO CITY (1941)Carol in Mexico City historic reference photo |
![]() Henry Millerhistoric reference photo | ![]() Ed's lab 1940'shistoric reference photo | ![]() Ed with Toni JacksonAlso Ritchie Lovejoy. historic reference photo |
![]() Ed working in Labhistoric reference photo | ![]() Lab specimensreference photo | ![]() Carol Steinbeckhistoric reference photo |
![]() Ed working in his Labhistoric reference photo | ![]() Ed with Ritchie at the Labhistoric reference photo | ![]() Ed's working labhistoric reference photo by Fred Strong |
![]() Specimin Jar Vintagereference photo: Pacific Biological Laboratories Jar | ![]() The Forgotten Village | ![]() INT. LOS GATOS RANCH (1941)John throws a lavish party with Salvador Dali to celebrate Carol's birthday. (archival photo for reference) |
written by
P.J. Palmer and Eric Enno Tamm
1941 ~ The Lab ~ Ed's lab is overfilled with more than 600 specimens from the Sea of Cortez trip. Ed Jr., Gabe and the guys help him pack up new orders. Ed has a new girlfriend, TONI JACKSON (28).
HENRY MILLER (50's) walks into the Lab - looking to find a way to meet John. Ed explains that John is in Mexico City working on a new project rather than completing the SEA OF CORTEZ. Ed and Henry become fast friends as Ed shows Henry the results of the Sea of Cortez trip. Ed mentions that there should be a new expedition north to the Queen Charlottes. Ed gets a letter from John, inviting Ed to join him and Carol in Mexico. He isn't inclined to.
Jean stops by to see Ed. She tells him that she is pregnant again with another of Bruce's babies. Ed angrily accuses Bruce of keeping Jean pregnant to keep her from having a relationship with Ed. He decides to take up John invitation to Mexico. He takes Toni and heads south.
Ed and Toni arrive at a dusty small town overrun with a Hollywood film crew where John is working on "THE FORGOTTEN VILLAGE". This is the first time Ed has had a hard time getting his attention. Ed delivers to John a screenplay he has written titled "THE FORGOTTEN VILLAGE - ANTI-SCRIPT". The Director of the film is worried about Ed being on set distracting John and discussing his misgivings about the story: Ed feels that the film philosophically goes against everything they experienced on their expedition. And wants to know how this will affect their collaboration on their expedition book. John isn't interested in discussing it. Carol is also at the film shoot, but is cold towards Ed. So, Ed leaves with his girlfriend, dejected.
Mexico City National Library ~ Ed works hard on the SEA OF CORTEZ notebooks as fighters take to the streets in violent protests. Nazi pamphlets and propaganda litter the city. Ed argues with John to finish what they started - to work on the SEA OF CORTEZ book. But John cannot be bothered - he is busy working on the movie while also devising a plan to help the U.S. Government flood Germany with counterfeit money and ruin its economy. Ed realizes that he cannot connect with John any longer; they have grown into different men with different lives. Carol drinks heavily - she is also frustrated with John - their relationship seems to be getting only worse. Carol tell Ed she knows that the reason he brought Toni was to make sure he was protected from her. John mentions that he and Carol will be flying back to California soon and that it would be better if he and Ed saw each other there. Ed leaves Mexico with Toni, bound for home and saddened by the turn of events in his friendship with John.
Los Gatos Ranch ~ Now, back in the States, John and Carol's relationship has further deteriorated, and yet they still remain heavily in each other's orbits. In celebration of John winning the National Book Award and even more impressively, his Pulitzer Prize win, a lavish surrealist party is hosted with Salvador Dali at the Steinbeck ranch. Everyone is invited, including Ritchie and Tal, Jean and Bruce, Flora, Mr. Won and Gabe, Tony, Sparky, Tiny, Ed, Toni, Ed Jr (18), Beth and Peg, Francis, Xenia and John Cage, Meredith Burgess, Charlie Chaplin, Henry Miller, and Spencer Tracy. John has invited Gwyn as his date.... while Carol has invited a date who looks remarkably like Joseph Campbell - but far less interesting or threatening - (what could possibly go wrong?). Ritchie, Tal, Beth and Xenia have all pitched-in on a gift for Carol, as she too deserves praise for these accomplishments. The friends are anxious to reveal the gift to Carol but she is nowhere to be found. John, annoyed, tells them to just reveal whatever it is. Ritchie tells the crowd that back-in-the-day, John had famously told Carol:
(mimicking John's voice)
"Marry me and you will be swathed in furs, have your own swimming pool, and your name up in lights."
And sure enough, she has her pool, and her furs. And now...
On that cue, Tal flips a switch and the backyard lights up with a large sign made of lights over the swimming pool that reads: "CAROL". Everyone gasps - stunned to see Carol and Sparky having sex on the diving board. John, embarrassed and drunk yells: "That is enough!"
A fight breaks out between Carol and John and Gwyn. Everyone leaves. Ed takes Gwyn away to Monterey. Carol lashes out at him too, saying he will have John's little trophy. He gives a reassuring headshake to John. And that is all John needs to trust him. Carol says Ed fucked her on the Flyer. John says he had asked him to do it as a favor. The fight gets even uglier.
The Lab ~ John arrives at the Lab a few days later in terrible condition. He tells Ed that he can't go on like this. Both Carol and Gwyn claim to be pregnant. He feels so ill, that he is dying. Ed has him lay down on a cot in the main room. Then Ed puts on BACH, and sets the volume high enough to drown out the noise of the Row. Ed tells him to rest and listen and breathe. Ed makes up a stew. And plays records for his friend, helping him heal. Ritchie stops by to apologize for the party. John tells him that like true friends, they have always shined a light on what needed to be seen by he and Carol - both the beautiful and in this case the ugly. He then tells Ritchie that in return, he is giving the $1,000 Pulitzer Prize money to him to help him have time to finish his novel. Ritchie is floored at the gesture.
Pacific Grove Cottage ~ John has both Carol and Gwyn meet with him at the cottage. He tells them that they must decide who will keep him. He will leave it up to him, as he cannot make such a terrible choice. He leaves and the two women go after each other verbally. Carol tells Gwyn she knows she isn't pregnant. And that if she is, John will take custody and they will raise the bastard themselves. Gwyn admits she is not pregnant. Carol admits the same. Gwyn says Carol loves women, so she should give John up. Carol responds that she has only turned to women for affection because John turned away from her when Gwyn stole him. Carol also tells Gwyn that she will kill her rabbits if she continues to come between her and John. Gwyn gives up - and lets Carol have him. Carol comes in to tell John that although she won the argument with Gwyn, it's over. Gwyn has his heart and there is nothing Carol can do to force it back, if she ever had it.
Waves pound the shore in the distance as a charcoal portrait is created of John Steinbeck - who sits in a chair smoking and writing - pouring over Ed's Sea of Cortez notebooks. Gwen enters from the kitchen with a brunch she has made up for them - Carol has been replaced.
1948 ~ Monterey Hospital ~ Ed has trouble breathing. Sparky (29) is there, with his girlfriend and a few other girls from Flora's. He holds a rosary. He takes off his silver boxing glove necklace, and places both the rosary and gloves in Ed's hand. He then makes any angry comment to his girlfriend that "John is too fancy now to be bothered to come say goodbye to the one man who loved him."
![]() INT. LONE STAR CAFE (1941)Sheriff Larson throws a party to celebrate his re-election. Everyone on the row joins. Ed is a favorite with the Girls. Toni realizes she can never change him | ![]() SEA OF CORTEZJacket cover | ![]() SEA OF CORTEZ1941 cover |
![]() EXT. LAB (1941)Ed opens the front door of the lab to find a pack of cold beer and a copy of the morning New York Times. A note from Flora says: Congratulations. A few of the Girls outside Flora's look at Ed with awe. The Sea of Cortez has been reviewed by the Times and it is a great review, comparing John and Ed to Hemingway. Gabe asks for an autograph (he'll just sell it anyway). Everyone on the Row is ecstatic for Ed, and he feels great. | ![]() NEW YORK TIMESEd opens the front door of the lab to find a pack of cold beer and a copy of the morning New York Times. A note from Flora says: Congratulations. A few of the Girls outside Flora's look at Ed with awe. The Sea of Cortez has been reviewed by the Times and it is a great review, comparing John and Ed to Hemingway. Gabe asks for an autograph (he'll just sell it anyway). Everyone on the Row is ecstatic for Ed, and he feels great. (copy of NYT actual review of Sea of Cortez, 1941) | ![]() INT. LONE STAR CAFE (1941)Sheriff Larson throws a party to celebrate his re-election. |
![]() INT. LONE STAR CAFE (1941)Sheriff Larson throws a party to celebrate his re-election. | ![]() LOS ANGELES TIMESReference Photo | ![]() EXT. ITALY (1941)John is under heavy fire - explosions going off next to him cause him to lose hearing. He sees a little girl get shot multiple times, her guts are pouring from her body. John is deeply affected by this - "is" thinking can't help him. He desperately longs for the better days on Cannery Row. He tells the other soldiers, one dying, that he will write them a comedy when he returns. |
![]() EXT. ITALY (1941)John is under heavy fire - explosions going off next to him cause him to lose hearing. He sees a little girl get shot multiple times, her guts are pouring from her body. John is deeply affected by this - "is" thinking can't help him. He desperately longs for the better days on Cannery Row. He tells the other soldiers, one dying, that he will write them a comedy when he returns. | ![]() EXT. ITALY (1941)John is under heavy fire - explosions going off next to him cause him to lose hearing. He sees a little girl get shot multiple times, her guts are pouring from her body. John is deeply affected by this - "is" thinking can't help him. He desperately longs for the better days on Cannery Row. He tells the other soldiers, one dying, that he will write them a comedy when he returns. (historic reference photo of John Steinbeck in WWII) | ![]() EXT. ITALY (1942)John is under heavy fire - explosions going off next to him cause him to lose hearing. He sees a little girl get shot multiple times, her guts are pouring from her body. John is deeply affected by this - "is" thinking can't help him. He desperately longs for the better days on Cannery Row. He tells the other soldiers, one dying, that he will write them a comedy when he returns. (historic reference photo of WWII) |
written by
P.J. Palmer and Eric Enno Tamm
1941 ~ The Lab ~ Ed opens the front door of the lab to find a pack of cold beer and a copy of the morning New York Times. A note from Flora says: Congratulations. A few of the Girls outside Flora's look at Ed with awe. THE LOG FROM THE SEA OF CORTEZ has finally been published and reviewed by the Times... it is a great review, comparing John and Ed to Hemingway. Gabe asks for an autograph (he'll just sell it anyway). Everyone on the Row is ecstatic for Ed, and he feels great. Ed has been studying Sardine decline - and is feeling good about his work. Things are going well for him. Elated, he asks Toni to marry him. She laughs it off and says, what would Jean think?
New York City ~ John and a pregnant Gwen live on the Upper East Side. John angrily tells his publisher that they must keep Ed's name on all copies of SEA OF CORTEZ, which is indeed a collaboration. John has a copy of the NYT review and a picture of him and Ed on the trip framed and has it sent to Ed as a gift. As he sends the package, news comes that Pearl Harbor has been bombed. A gloom falls on the city.
Cannery Row ~ Everyone on the Row - cannery workers, fishermen, vagabonds and even Ed (44) and Ed Jr .(19) are drafted into the war effort - even though Ed tries his best to avoid the draft agents until his 45th birthday which will exempt him. They catch up with him and draft him with only a few days left before his birthday. Women take over the work at the canneries. Men go to the presidio. Ed closes Pacific Biological - it is now just his home as he works for the presidio now.
Ed gets a letter from John saying that he has been sent overseas by the President as a correspondent. He will continue to write letters, but will not be allowed to send until he returns. He will keep him in his thoughts.
Italy, WWII ~ John is on a secret elite Marine team, ran by Douglas Fairbanks Jr - the small team of less than 12 make a landing on a Nazi controlled island filled with hundreds of soldiers. They fool the commanders into thinking there is an entire U.S. fleet with them and get them to surrender. However, there are some skirmishes in the village - John is under heavy fire - explosions going off next to him cause him to lose hearing. He sees a little girl get shot multiple times, her guts are pouring from her body. John is deeply affected by this - "is" thinking can't help him. He desperately longs for the better days on Cannery Row. He tells the other soldiers, one dying, that he will write them a comedy when he returns.
John receives letters from Gwyn saying she is unhappy that the war is more important to him than she is and
that other men are courting her in his absence.
Cannery Row ~ The Lab Group has changed - Ritchie and Tal still stop in, but now it is more soldiers and new faces. Flora is having trouble keeping the Lone Star open as the Canneries continue to close up. Sheriff Larson holds a party at Flora's to celebrate his re-election (again), bringing back a little of the energy from days gone-by. Ed is the life of the party with the women. Toni finds that it is impossible to change Ed, who has been giving "lab lessons" to various married women in Monterey - and spends his time counting sardine. Toni is unhappy but unsure of her next move.
1948 ~ Monterey Hospital ~ Carol and Jean watch as Frankie (23) arrives to Ed's bedside. Frankie has a crew cut, a hold over of the war. He has a GIRLFRIEND (25) with him. Ed is barely conscious. Tears fall from Frankie's stoic face as he gives Ed a watch - the same watch he tried to steal as a gift for Ed years ago. Frankie leans in and apologizes. Ed squeezes Frankie's hand and whispers in his ear. Frankie's shoulders heave with silent weeping has he stays in close with Ed, listening.
![]() CANNERY ROW by John SteinbeckVintage Dust Jacket | ![]() EXT. CANNERY ROW | ![]() EXT. CANNERY ROW (1948)Ed's car is struck by a train. |
![]() EXT. GREAT TIDE POOL (1948)John walks out of the crowded chapel - and wonders towards the nearby Great Tidepool where we first met Ed in Episode 1. Monarch butterflies fill the air. - The rest of the Lab Group follows John's lead and wonders to the pools. The tide is low, and the pools are filled with colorful sea life. The group explores. In the distance, waves crash and whales breach. A lone sardine boat pushes out to sea as the sunsets. | ![]() CANNERY ROW by John SteinbeckDedicated: For Ed Ricketts who knows why or should | ![]() EXT. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS (1948)Ed and Toni watch the arrival of a seaplane from the deck of a ferry - which delivers a package from John for Ed's birthday: a leather briefcase embossed with his name. Inside the briefcase is a letter from John that tells Ed he misses him and that he has looked forward to their expedition to the islands and to collaborating on another book, but he has fallen and hurt his leg and cannot travel - he must postpone yet again. |
![]() EXT. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS (1948)Ed and Toni watch the arrival of a seaplane from the deck of a ferry - which delivers a package from John for Ed's birthday: a leather briefcase embossed with his name. Inside the briefcase is a letter from John that tells Ed he misses him and that he has looked forward to their expedition to the islands and to collaborating on another book, but he has fallen and hurt his leg and cannot travel - he must postpone yet again. | ![]() EXT. CANNERY ROW (1945)John walks through Cannery Row with Ed. Everyone is reading CANNERY ROW and make comments to "Doc". John learns of Ed's deep research in the decline of the sardine and the devastating loss to Cannery Row - canneries are closing - fishing boats are bringing in small catches. People are out of work. Cannery Row is dying off. A cannery worker calls out to Ed: "Hey Doc, where did all the fish go?" "They're in the cans." he replies. | ![]() INT. PENTHOUSE - NEW YORK (1946)John arrives with Gwyn at a dinner party at the home of his agent. The small gathering is impressively attended with several well-established New York socialites, writers and artists. The guests of honor: John Steinbeck and... Ernest Hemingway. (historical reference photo) |
![]() EXT. MONTEREY PENINSULA (1948)John's plane fights through foggy turbulence and lands hard. He gathers himself and hurries off the plane. Xenia, Carol and Ritchie wait for him at the tarmac - their expressions grim. As John approaches, tears fall from Carol's face. John repeats himself: "It's too late. It's too late. I missed him. I missed my Ed." Ritchie explains "He passed a couple hours ago." A devastating moment. | ![]() CANNERY ROW by John Steinbeck | ![]() EXT. CANNERY ROW (1945)John walks through Cannery Row with Ed. Everyone is reading CANNERY ROW and make comments to "Doc". John learns of Ed's deep research in the decline of the sardine and the devastating loss to Cannery Row - canneries are closing - fishing boats are bringing in small catches. People are out of work. Cannery Row is dying off. A cannery worker calls out to Ed: "Hey Doc, where did all the fish go?" "They're in the cans." he replies. |
![]() CANNERY ROW by John SteinbeckChapter 1 | ![]() EXT. WING CHONG MARKET (1945)Mr. Won has a brisk business selling and autographing copies of CANNERY ROW. Tourists have begun to find the Row. Gabe and the vagabonds enjoy the attention at first. But the slum-tourism does in fact disrupt his lifestyle. Some of the Vagabonds are jealous of Gabe and angry at John for not mentioning them. Tiny and Sparky also try to cash in on the fact that they are in a Steinbeck novel, but no girls have read that one. | ![]() EXT. LAB (1945)The Lab is in disrepair - the war years were bad on business. Ed is nearing bankruptcy. John adds money to the Lab - and works with Ed on plans for a larger, modern lab near Hopkins on the tide pools. They make plans for a follow-up book to SEA OF CORTEZ - a new adventure to the Queen Charlotte Islands. John makes a deposit on the costs. This makes Ed's life much more manageable. |
![]() EXT. CANNERY ROW (1945)John walks through Cannery Row with Ed. Everyone is reading CANNERY ROW and make comments to "Doc". John learns of Ed's deep research in the decline of the sardine and the devastating loss to Cannery Row - canneries are closing - fishing boats are bringing in small catches. People are out of work. Cannery Row is dying off. A cannery worker calls out to Ed: "Hey Doc, where did all the fish go?" "They're in the cans." he replies. | ![]() INT. CANNERY (1945)John walks through Cannery Row with Ed. Everyone is reading CANNERY ROW and make comments to "Doc". John learns of Ed's deep research in the decline of the sardine and the devastating loss to Cannery Row - canneries are closing - fishing boats are bringing in small catches. People are out of work. Cannery Row is dying off. A cannery worker calls out to Ed: "Hey Doc, where did all the fish go?" "They're in the cans." he replies. |
written by
P.J. Palmer and Eric Enno Tamm
1948 ~ Monterey Airport ~ John's plane flies above Monterey bay. Low clouds roll past. Breaks in the fog reveal the beautiful, magical land below. A large cloud resembles a whale breaching the ocean, nearly exactly like the flying dream Ed had in Episode 5.
Carol waits for John at the tarmac. They embrace deeply. All is forgiven and accepted. She leads John to the car.
Monterey Hospital ~ John arrives with Carol, and rushes inside. Ritchie and Xenia are outside Ed's room with grim expressions. John walks with a panic, repeating himself: "It's too late. It's too late. I've missed him. I've missed my Ed." Carol cannot move any further towards Ed's room. John turns into the room to find an empty bed. John's shoulders droop, his head drops. Ritchie explains, "He passed just an hour ago." It is a devastating moment for each and every one of them.
And we fade to:
Cannery Row ~ John stands at the door of the lab - just like the beginning. He enters the unlocked door and walks through the vacant lab until he finds Ed, working at his desk (It is 1945). The two men embrace. John apologizes for the surprise. He has brought his boys to meet Ed. And Gwyn too. It is a happy reunion. John tells Ed he has brought him a gift: he hands him a copy of CANNERY ROW. Ed opens the book and sees that it is dedicated: "For Ed Ricketts, who knows why or should". Ed sits and reads the book - which is a very much the story of his life on the Row.
John walks through Cannery Row with Ed. Everyone is reading CANNERY ROW and make comments to "Doc". John learns of Ed's deep research in the decline of the sardine and the devastating loss to Cannery Row - canneries are closing - fishing boats are bringing in small catches. People are out of work. Cannery Row is dying off. A cannery worker calls out to Ed:
Hey Doc, where did all the fish go?
They're in the cans.
John has bought an adobe in Monterey for his family. But no one will sell him items to renovate - he is disliked in Monterey. CANNERY ROW has made it even worse.
The Lab is in disrepair - the war years were bad on business. Ed is nearing bankruptcy.
Mr. Won has a brisk business selling and autographing copies of CANNERY ROW. Tourists have begun to find the Row. Gabe and the vagabonds enjoy the attention at first. But the slum-tourism does in fact disrupt his lifestyle. Some of the Vagabonds are jealous of Gabe and angry at John for not mentioning them. Tiny and Sparky also try to cash in on the fact that they are in a Steinbeck novel, but no girls have read SEA OF CORTEZ.
Jean comes to visit Ed. They make love in the Lab - a tourist lets himself into the lab, interrupting them in the act. Ed is angry but the tourist insists on meeting "Doc". Ed pushes him outside when Toni arrives finding him naked with Jean. Toni is not shocked - but she is also over it. She tells Ed she can't live like this any longer, competing with the woman he loves most, Jean. She leaves him.
Ed has a lock installed on the door of the Lab for the first time.
Joe Campbell returns to Monterey for visit - brings Ed a copy of his manuscript for HERO WITH A THOUSAND FACES - and thanks Ed for the trip they took years before, as their conversations then were the genesis of the book.
Gwyn is unhappy in Monterey. She feels awkward at the Lab and judged by the group.
The Lab Group, though different now, still consists of some original members including Ritchie, Tal, Francis and others. They are less receptive to CANNERY ROW, as it marginalizes Ed as a superficial character - and the novel does not tell the truth (nor does it mention anyone in the Lab Group). Ritchie accuses John of not just selling out himself, but selling out his community. He calls John greedy. And says that he has always agreed with Jack: John's work is derivative and that he will use anyone to get ahead.
John is offered a large sum to do a story for LIFE magazine about real life on Cannery Row - he refuses, not wanting to add any more chaos to the lives of people he knows and cares about. Ironically, Ritchie takes up the offer himself - cashing in on CANNERY ROW - and yet everyone is happy for Ritchie doing it.
John researches EAST OF EDEN, taking Ed for a drive out into the country as he did early on when writing TO A GOD UNKNOWN in Episode 2. John is saddened by the cold reception he has found in Monterey. And how Ritchie, whom he gave his Pulitzer money to, had turned on him - yet is publicizing the book on the literal backs of the people who are all bothered with John. Ed helps him to realize that he must embrace his new life as a world-class writer - with all the trappings of success and celebrity and jealousies that come with it - because his journey is important for the larger picture. Ed tells not worry about the people of Monterey who do not understand him.
As John prepares to move Gwyn and the boys back to NYC, adds money to the Lab - and asks Ed to draw up plans for a larger, modern lab near Hopkins on the tide pools. John also asks that Ed use the money to research a follow-up book to SEA OF CORTEZ - the new adventure to the Queen Charlotte Islands that Ed had wanted to do for years. John's deposit on theses costs make Ed's life much more manageable and he is deeply grateful.
New York City ~ John, having taken Ed's advice on embracing his status - arrives with Gwyn at the posh dinner party at the home of his agent. The small gathering is impressively attended with several well-established New York socialites, writers and artists. The guests of honor: John Steinbeck and... ERNEST HEMINGWAY (55). The host explains to a guest that John had written Ernest a letter telling him how he admired his latest short story, and Ernest had then reached out wanting to meet John in person. So here we are - although, the host quips, John had played hard-to-get for weeks. John is shy at the party and withdraws into himself. When the host raises a toast, John heads off embarrassment by saying:
I'll confess. After reading Hemingway, I set out on my own private quest to follow the trail he forged ahead of us all -
and to do my damn best to take him - only to find what I should have known from the start:
no mortal can possibly take Hemingway.
Everyone feels warm with the publicly expressed affection. But, Ernest ignores the toast and compliment - turning the moment unbearably awkward - and John recedes further into himself. Then, Ernest says:
I could understand why Grapes of Wrath was burned - after the last scene wherein a starving man seeks food at the breast of the dying woman - that's hardly the solution of our economic problem.
Everyone looks to John, who bursts out with laughter as he finds the remark genuinely funny - letting air back into the room. Ernest raises a glass and a nod to John - who now feels assured of himself.
Sitka, Alaska ~ Ed, ALICE (24) and Ed Jr. (23) arrive by boat on their way to the Queen Charlotte Islands. They are greeted by Jack and Sasha, who are impressed with how Ed Jr has grown into a tall young man and they assume Alice is Jr's girlfriend. But she is actually Ed's. Nancy and Cornelia come running up too - they are both young women. They embrace Ed and Ed Jr. Nan holds back. It is an awkward moment for her and Alice. Nan and Ed keep it professional, only discussing work and the child-care / alimony payments Ed has thankfully caught up on.
New York City ~ John works in large Upper East Side house. Gwyn takes care of their two boys. She is deeply resentful of John, as he has managed to keep his career while she has just become an average housewife. John reminds her that their life is anything but average and in order to keep up this life, he must work. Gwyn is angry about his plans to leave on an expedition with Ed to the Queen Charlotte Islands. During an argument about divorce, John falls from the second floor balcony and seriously injures his leg.
Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia ~ Ed, Alice and Ed Jr. travel through these stunning islands filled with exotic life - the "Galapagos of the North". Ed researches the area and makes travel plans for John to join him. Ed and Alice watch the arrival of a seaplane from the deck of a ferry - which delivers a package from John for Ed's birthday: a leather briefcase embossed with his name. Inside the briefcase is a letter from John that tells Ed he misses him and that he has looked forward to their expedition to the islands and to collaborating on another book, but he has fallen and hurt his leg and cannot travel - he must postpone yet again.
Cannery Row ~ Ed long back from his trip north, continues his research on the decline of the sardine. And continues to give "lab lessons" to lonely women in Monterey. A few friends linger around the lab as Ed finishes up work for the day. He offers dinner and runs out to buy steaks.
Ed drives up Cannery Row and sees Ed Jr. and Alice taking photos in the low tide. Ed tells stops to say he he going out to buy steaks and they will be ready in about an hour. Ed Jr. snaps a photo of Ed. Then, Ed drives off.
Ed Jr. and Alice walk towards the Lab. Behind them, Ed's car slowly works it way up the short steep hill when the Del Monte Express comes from behind a blind corner and violently strikes Ed's car. Ed Jr. and Alice turn to see the car being dragged along the tracks by the locomotive. Ed Jr. calls out: "ED!" as he runs towards the accident. He keeps calling out: "Ed!, Ed!..."
![]() EXT. GREAT TIDE POOL (1948)John walks out of the crowded chapel - and wonders towards the nearby Great Tidepool where we first met Ed in Episode 1. Monarch butterflies fill the air. - The rest of the Lab Group follows John's lead and wonders to the pools. The tide is low, and the pools are filled with colorful sea life. The group explores. In the distance, waves crash and whales breach. A lone sardine boat pushes out to sea as the sunsets. | ![]() EXT. MONTEREY PENINSULA (1948)John walks out of the crowded chapel - and wonders towards the nearby Great Tidepool where we first met Ed in Episode 1. Monarch butterflies fill the air. - The rest of the Lab Group follows John's lead and wonders to the pools. The tide is low, and the pools are filled with colorful sea life. The group explores. In the distance, waves crash and whales breach. A lone sardine boat pushes out to sea as the sunsets. | ![]() EXT. GREAT TIDE POOL (1948)John walks out of the crowded chapel - and wonders towards the nearby Great Tidepool where we first met Ed in Episode 1. Monarch butterflies fill the air. - The rest of the Lab Group follows John's lead and wonders to the pools. The tide is low, and the pools are filled with colorful sea life. The group explores. In the distance, waves crash and whales breach. A lone sardine boat pushes out to sea as the sunsets. |
![]() JACK CALVINAttends Ed's funeral in Monterey 1948 | ![]() Jospeh CampbellAttends Ed's funeral in Monterey 1948 | ![]() Carol StienbeckAttends Ed's funeral in Monterey 1948 |
![]() Jean ArissAttends Ed's funeral in Monterey 1948 | ![]() Charlie ChaplinAttends Ed's funeral in Monterey 1948 | ![]() Burgess MeredithAttends Ed's funeral in Monterey 1948 |
![]() EXT. GREAT TIDE POOL (1948)John walks out of the crowded chapel - and wonders towards the nearby Great Tidepool where we first met Ed in Episode 1. Monarch butterflies fill the air. - The rest of the Lab Group follows John's lead and wonders to the pools. The tide is low, and the pools are filled with colorful sea life. The group explores. In the distance, waves crash and whales breach. A lone sardine boat pushes out to sea as the sunsets. | ![]() Henry MillerAttends Ed's funeral in Monterey 1948 | ![]() EXT. THE LAB (1948)The Lab is in disrepair - the war years were bad on business. Ed is nearing bankruptcy. John adds money to the Lab - and works with Ed on plans for a larger, modern lab near Hopkins on the tide pools. They make plans for a follow-up book to SEA OF CORTEZ - a new adventure to the Queen Charlotte Islands. John makes a deposit on the costs. This makes Ed's life much more manageable. |
![]() Salvador DaliAttends Ed's funeral in Monterey 1948 | ![]() EXT. LIGHT HOUSE (1948)Ed's funeral is held at the lighthouse chapel next to the Great Tide Pool | ![]() Xenia Kashaveroff-CageAttends Ed's funeral in Monterey 1948 |
![]() EXT. MONTEREY PENINSULA (1948) | ![]() John SteinbeckAttends Ed's funeral in Monterey 1948 | ![]() EXT. LAB (1945)The Lab is in disrepair - the war years were bad on business. Ed is nearing bankruptcy. John adds money to the Lab - and works with Ed on plans for a larger, modern lab near Hopkins on the tide pools. They make plans for a follow-up book to SEA OF CORTEZ - a new adventure to the Queen Charlotte Islands. John makes a deposit on the costs. This makes Ed's life much more manageable. |
written by
P.J. Palmer and Eric Enno Tamm
1948 ~ Cannery Row ~ We glide behind a taxi as it motors through a deserted Cannery Row. The cab stops in front of a dilapidated building. JOHN STEINBECK (46) exits the cab with a leather briefcase embossed with his name. He climbs the steps of the old building. He retrieves a hidden key and lets himself in. He wanders through this well-lived in space and comes to a desk covered with items: photos of a younger version of himself and Ed in Mexico, a framed New York Times review of SEA OF CORTEZ, the boxing glove pendant from Sparky, the new watch from Frankie, floor plans for the new large laboratory, notebooks titled "Queen Charlottes", a signed copy of A HERO WITH A THOUSAND FACES from Joe, a stack of CANNERY ROW novels autographed by Ed.
There are stacks of opened letters from John. He then finds an unopened letter from Ed to him (this is the letter Ed dictated to Jean earlier.) John reads the very personal letter from Ed - we hear the letter in Ed's VO, telling John how much he thanks him, how much he admires him, how he is moving forward in his journey, ready to swim across the sky and break through. He is not afraid - he has learned from John and every single person he has met, ever loved, ever listened to. Everything is connected. We all found each other because we needed each other, we formed each other. Ed writes that John's work has changed the world, and will continue to for generations - that this is the most important thing anyone could aspire to, and that he is deeply grateful to be a part of John's life. Ed writes that he has never loved anyone as profoundly as his friend, John. And that they will always be connected. Forever.
Alone in the lab, John burns letters and notebooks in the furnace. Some items he keeps and places in Ed's briefcase. Ritchie comes in. The two men embrace; everything is water under the bridge. Soon Jean arrives. And Xenia. Ed Jr. Someone plays BACH. Soon Gabe and the vagabonds filter in too. Jean takes several notebooks from the burn pile and keeps them for herself. They crack open the Lab safe, to find only a note that reads: "What did you expect to find here?" They all laugh at Ed's lasting humor. Ritchie's laugh turns to tears. He calls out Ed's name. It is silent for a moment. Jean finally says -
We’ll have to let him go. We’ll have to release him and let him go.
Everyone who knew Ed arrives solemnly at the Lighthouse Chapel for a funeral - including: Sheriff Larson (70's), Gabe (60's) and the vagabonds, Mr. and Mrs. Won (70's), Frankie (24), Jack and Sasha (40's), Xenia (36) and John Cage, Toni, Alice (27), Ed Jr (26), Nan (48), Nancy (23) and Cornelia (19), Carol (45), Tal and Ritchie (40's), Beth and Peg (40's), Francis (50's), Flora (70's) and quite a few Girls (20's - 40's), Tiny and Sparky (30's), Tony (60's), Bruce and Jean (40's), Joe (44), Henry Miller (70's), Charlie Chaplin (70's), Burgess Meredith (40's), Salvador Dali (70's) and about a dozen unknown Women without their husbands.
During the meditative service, John notices a monarch butterfly outside the chapel window. He walks out of the crowded chapel and follows the monarch butterflies as they drift towards the nearby Great Tide Pool where we first met Ed in Episode 1. Carol sees this and follows. Then Xenia, Joe and Gabe follow. Soon, the rest of the funeral wanders to the tide pools.
The tide is low, and the pools are filled with colorful sea life. The group explores. Carol walks into the water fully clothed, like a baptism. Xenia explains an anemone to John Cage. John watches waves crash in the distance. A school of dolphin passes nearby and way out there, a whale breaches.
A lone sardine boat pushes out to sea as the sunsets.
John's VO discusses Ed's great influence on everyone. And how difficult it will be to lay the ghost. Under this VO we see the following:
- Gabe gets on a bus out of town.
- Frankie works as Holman's as a bag boy.
- Jean gives birth to another baby.
- Ed Jr. returns to University.
- Flora works at her Seaside Motor Lodge brothel.
- Mr. Won sells the store to a younger man.
- Carol sits in her Carmel beach home watching the sea.
- Sparky and Tiny fight in a Monterey bar.
John locks up the Lab, never to return. A "For Sale" sign in its window.
John enters the old cottage in Pacific Grove. A new dog, 'Charlie' is with him. He uncovers the furniture, lights a fire. And settles in to write with a pad of legal paper and a green pen.
We pull back and up away from the cottage - an aerial view of Monterey at dusk - from up here, it looks similar to a tide pool. The Chinese Festival sends up glowing lanterns into the sky like an ocean filled with phosphorescent jellyfish. Soon we have pulled back into the Universe - everything looks similar to the world of the tidepool... everything is connected.
End title cards and archival footage and photos:
- John has critical successes with EAST OF EDEN, which becomes a film starring James Dean.
- John wins the Nobel Peace Prize and Presidential Medal of Freedom.
- John finally meeting his true love, Elaine.
- Ed's BETWEEN PACIFIC TIDES, in its 5th edition, is still Stanford's bestselling book 80 years later.
- The Monterey Bay Aquarium was built in Ed's honor at the end of Cannery Row.
- Ed Ricketts Memorial Award is awarded each year by the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
- Western Flyer II, a oceanographic research vessel used by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) is equipped with the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) named "Doc Ricketts "
- The Western Flyer Foundation has renovated the original Western Flyer vessel as a US Historical Monument and state-of-the-art teach lab for underprivileged children from the Sea of Cortez to Alaska.
- Ed's statue sits at that site of the train accident - people put fresh flowers into the hand of the statue every day.
- Ed's Lab still sits on Cannery Row, mostly unnoticed by the thousands of tourists each day. (Although some do know what the old building is, as evidenced by the lipstick kiss stains still placed on the exterior walls)